Before I explain though, take a look a Dave Cesari featured in the TGO photo blog – Click on the Club’s page in the column to the left.
Now My explanation:
I have discovered that I love to look at what I call abstract photographs, abstract art, and everything in-between. Having been educated in engineering and managed and taught business operations in a very precise way, free flowing art of any kind has not been a part of my earlier years.
But now I have time to play with the freedom of art and still use the precision of a computer program – PhotoShop. Even if I know nothing of art I can create my version of it with PhotoShop.
I guess if I wanted to create realistic art, I could take my trusty camera, snap the shutter and have it. But, abstract art is a different story – one can start with a real image, scramble it in their mind, then go to the PhotoShop computer, and create art as a one of a kind image – an image to be seen nowhere else! Your personal image of life.
Since Gloria talks to me constantly of art, I have been on the internet studying art. I may even take some art classes in the future. But, in the mean time please put up with my playing around with something I know nothing of – abstract art.
My friends, like Bob Hazlett, are all to blame. They play with my ego and push me onward. Even if I do not know what they are talking about, they unknowingly push me onward. See what Bob wrote to me this morning:
“Hello Jim:
I enjoy your posts showing the crazy things you do with Photoshop, mixing photography and art. I got to thinking about mixing mathematics and photography and what you could do with photoshop on Fractal images.
Fractal Geometry is a branch of mathematics often referred to as “the geometry of nature”
Bob Hazlett”
I went to the dictionary and found this:
Mathematics of fractals:
In mathematics, a fractal is a subset of a Euclidean space for which the Hausdorff dimension strictly exceeds the topological dimension. … Fractal geometry lies within the mathematical branch of topology. One way that fractals are different from finite geometric figures is the way in which they scale.
Geometric abstract art:
Geometric abstraction is a form of abstract art based on the use of geometric forms sometimes, though not always, placed in non-illusionistic space and combined into non-representational compositions.
Although the genre was popularized by avant-garde artists in the early twentieth century, similar motifs have been used in art since ancient times.
Geometric abstraction is present among many cultures throughout history both as decorative motifs and as art pieces themselves.
Often used in the architecture, geometric patterns were used to visually connect spirituality with science and art since the 7th century.
The dictionary confused me and I still do not know what Bob is talking about. But, I will study more and learn. For now, I will show you the results of my playing around with what I do not understand. It was fun:

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