Yesterday I talked of what I have been doing.

I kind of know what many of you are doing –  – I know what you, friends on Drummond Island, are doing — those beautiful horses stay beautiful because my friends are out there this morning, as they are every morning,  giving the horses the tender…

…loving care that we all would like to have.  –

And you family and friends,  in the New york City area, I can remember much of the morning activity – I paid my dues – spent almost 30 years there.

So,  lets take a look at:

1. 1900 — on the homestead in the mountains of Pennsylvania.

Jan 1, 1900  My Grandma wrote in her diary :  “Forenoon baked gingersnaps, Made aprons in afternoon, went to funeral – Samuel Custer was buried.”  Grandpa was a teacher in a one room school house –  and he wrote “Reopened school (on News Years Day),  Snow and cold. Good sledding. Reopened school, 17 pupils present, school room very cold and smoky”

2. October, 2013 — NYC suburb — There is an old adage that goes something like this: surround yourself with positive people, and take time to enjoy their company – so I pause this blog for a bit.  Heather called:sq7

When Heather calls – I have always stopped what I was doing – Folks in the NY corporate office where I worked knew that — Because, I felt if a teenage lady needed to talk – that was my job — but now it is not a job – it is my TV comedy, my counsel, my laugh, my uplift of the day — Heather is a busy fun person — balancing her time among a job, 2 young folks of her own, some realestate activity,  a special friend, a mothers birthday celebration, driving to attend little league/school sports, her own classes, a Dad always happy for her call, and more .

… Oh why the running chipmunk?   Heather says a “Caught in the Act” photo was not possible —  all were too  busy —  so, I had to find this animation to get my story to you – You see, during family home time after school — which happens most days at Heathers home – I know, I have been there visiting and it is like a three ring circus – with the 2 Grandchildren, 3 or so friends of theirs,  two dogs and one cat all trying to tell the stories (or get a pet) of their day to Heather and each other —Unknown-4

Well, this day, the dogs started barking and running from room to room, the cat is screeching,  the three young girls go to quiet the dog – instead, here is what happened – — A chipmunk crosses the nose of dog number one.

This is the story as I got it – slightly enhanced – First a scream! – “Who the h… left the chipmunk into the house”  —  Then the three teens went into action: Like good military leaders they rallied the troups that were available: 1Mom, two dogs, 1, cat, one brother, one brothers friend, and 1 chinchilla. — picture this — the teens even put on the CD with the bugle used to rally the mounted riders — dressed in red and black — to the beginning of  a fox hunt, like they did in 1790 Virginia when our Government was young and the Fox and Hound hunt was a gentlemen’s sport — In this case, the hounds first enter the kitchen, then the TV room, up the stairs, to the teen room, to the Brother’s room, to Moms room, 6 times around the house  — all the while the hounds are followed by three teen girls, two boys, one Mom and one cat ……. books thrown, lamps knocked over, snack plates on the floor

— Brother, with an arm like a professional quarterback, was called to the front line with a towel rolled up like a football– on the towel is  a roaring lion from Grandma’s days in Penn State Nitty Loin country — One throw a miss – now, down two and the the same happens, but, down 3, do or die — success, the chipmunk is wrapped in the lioned towel, moved to the back porch with back ground music of the victory march —  released to his 5 friends sitting high in the oak tree — watching as if they were in ancient Rome watching the Gladiators — on the porch, many Hi fives were given – the house put in order, and the post school time proceeded!  Sort of a typical crises in a fun family after school get together.

3.  October 17, 2013 Retirement village in Florida In Grandma’s family, a Grandparent always read the paper and passed along tidbits of information – most often with personal editorial — Grandma just did that, so I will try to quote what she read:

Maybe in Phily, Pa in 1730? Old Ben was born in 1706, so I expect he was smart enough to say this by the age of twenty four. Anyway, Ben said Wine is constant proof that God loves us and loves to see us happy .”  I am glad Grandma did not add this editorial “God did not intending for you to be that many glasses of happy.”

4. 2013 — in a relatively new Florida retirement community with many RV toys, motorcycles, boats, and excersise rooms, etc.  I took morning activity photos for you but I ran out of time to post them here– tomorrow maybe — I must now tend to my woodshop projects of wood, deer antlers, and shellac — or things will get sticky — but I will show you that not all tractors are for farming build 1— these are for growing houses –  Growing houses may be even more profitable,  now that we have a government — I love this two party system — I think it is working!   —  and the two parties did beat Grandma’s and my rock picking decisions – off the rock store tomorrow. (see yesterday’s blog if that did not make sense)

To the sound of hound and horn!  Bye

To the sound of hound and horn! Bye