From my window I watch the fog roll in

From my window I watch the fog roll in

Diversity is a way of life up hereon an Island off the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.  Some times it snows — in May– some times it rains, some times the wind gusts to 30 mph, some times the black flyes are so thick u need glasses to keep them out of your eyes, some times s it is so beautiful that every Chamber of Commerce wants to bottle the weather and export it to their community!

Sometimes so clear I can see the Freighters heading for Chicago, Detroit, Sault St Marie or beyond White Fish Point to Duluth.

Sometimes so clear I can see the Freighters heading for Chicago, Detroit, Sault St Marie, or beyond White Fish Point while heading for Duluth.

But we all, on the Island, accept diversity without much complaining — If you want to be accepted here do not complain — grin and bear it and pretend to be non-diverse — for example —  golf on the league last week — 41 degrees — mist then rain, but on we went to loose by one stroke, then we stand around, rain dripping off the end of our nose,   to discuss how it would be a lot more fun if it was 20 degrees warmer. Did I suggest we quit golf and go home without a drink — not me — I did not want to be different!!!  or did I enjoy shivering in my soaked condition because I am not different???

That is why diversity is an interesting concept — For example, I am sure we all know folks who want to accept (and be around) all kinds of different people — of course that means all kinds of folks except those that do not want to be around different kinds of folks!!  

GrandPa wrote from this farm house in 1903 -- which field did he plow?

GrandPa wrote from this farm house in 1903 — which field did he plow?

Diversity for Grandpa mostly had to do with the weather — all folks in the small farming community thought the same — or at least they all said they did — that is how they were accepted in the community. On June 6 1903 GrandPa wrote — “Bought calf from A. D. Weaver in forenoon — Plowed after dinner.”  Dinner was the noon meal.