Doodling is good for you! Listen to me and read on. Then, smile during your next enforced down time.
Yesterday I had a lot of enforced down time – Just sitting and waiting – so, I took my computer and my PhotoShop with me.
When I have enforced down time, instead of feeling bored, I always turn these down times into an excuse to do one or all of these 4 things that I feel guilty doing when I could be doing “Productive” things like house cleaning, painting the walls, doing my filing, etc.
1. It’s Entertainment Time!
• Play music, sing, or dance.
•Read paperbacks, magazines, and your kindle books.
2. Go Online!
Use your smartphone to surf internet, browse information – any topic like “How to kill time and have fun”.
3. Be Creative!
•Updating this blog with new posts.
•Doodle, draw, or paint a picture using your favorite colors.
•Hook a rug, or whittle a stick.
•Write a story, journal entry, hand-written letter, or write a poem.
4. Take Me time
•Become your own manicurist – file your nails .
•Take a short nap or doze off for longer hours.
•Exercise, jog, or do stretches .
•Close your eyes and start daydreaming.
•Reminisce about your past and relive old memories.
•Make a phone call or send a message to friends you haven’t spoken to for a long time.
I found this article at
“Two new books tout the benefits of doodling as tools to facilitate thinking. Perhaps it’s a kind of artistic rebellion over the supremacy of computers and digital media.
Or, maybe the need to draw is simply hardwired into human brains. Making graphic marks predates verbal language. A more deliberate free-hand drawing is essential to expressing spontaneous concepts and emotions.
Drawing isn’t just for artists. For anyone who actively exercises the brain, doodling and drawing are ideal for making ideas tangible. What’s more, according to a study published in the Journal of Applied Cognitive Psychology, doodlers find it easier to recall thoughts of the past than non-doodlers, because thy are more likely to daydream.”
THERE YOU GOT IT – Enjoy your down time, killing time, or what ever you call it.
Here is my yesterday’s down time doodles:

Worshipping the sun, in the country, – Oh, find the cloud face.

Did you ever hear of “Love Trees’ – Sort of like “Love Bugs” – Well I doodled these two while “Killin’ Time” yesterday.

I like this version of worshipping the sun too! – You can see I had much down time to doodle.

Don’t see saw in your mind about enforced down time – your only challenge is deciding which fun thing to do.
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