Hey, I have a story or two to tell you – First Bob Hazlett and Dave Cesari sent some very great photos – Dave posted two photos of a train in the early morning fog – y’all know I am obsessed with the stories told by country western music – Willy Nelson “City of New Orleans”- Thx Dave. Click 1. Members out and about AND 2. Photo shoot images.
Susan’s e-mail to you mentioned BOAF (Birds of a Feather) – at the bottom of this page go to “Older Posts” to see details.
Now, my story or two:
Life was simple when an apple was an apple. Now my Apple contains thousands of photos. The photos are not in an album on my coffee table. The apple is not on a tree, not on the ground under the tree, but up there somewhere in the Apple Cloud. Therefore, my photos are in the clouds. Yipes!

An internet photo – could not find my llama photo fast enough – Just like me, training a llama – Turn left – be ready for the Fredericksburg Christmas parade.
My Apple cloud has over 12,000 photos. I calculated that averages about 10 photos per day. The Apple in the sky even groups my thousands of photos according to the Apple programmer’s brain. I was an IBM computer programmer once so I understand a little about how the Apple Cloud’s brain does its grouping.
That Apple’s brain realized I love being around animals. It created a sub-set of animals for me. I trained dogs, horses, cows, llamas, and now I am even training a deer.
That Apple library grouped almost 4,000 of those 12,000 photos into the animal’s sub-set.
It, also, created many other sub-sets: Parties, family gatherings, hay bales, snow plows, beaches, boat rides, airplane rides, ferry rides, bull rides, fog, gardens, new cars, old tractors, Mini Coopers, new furniture, Gloria’s art, art shows, golf swings, bicycle rides, flowers, mushrooms, people of the streets in NYC, trees, our houses, and the list goes on for dozen of topics –

In my life’s stories, I always try to save animals that insist on staying on the road. I did not really train this Diamondback, but I got him to decide to leave the warm road and head for the ditch before a car ran over him. Seeing this photo made another story of my life come to the forefront. Read on, I will tell you of that.
That whole Apple library really is a story of my life one moment at a time. I love it ’cause each photo is a story of a moment in my life, but, believe me, each photo brings up in my mind, related stories of other moments. I can get truly lost in many stories of my life.

Here is the story the Diamondback brought to mind. In my Texas barn like this barn, a tractor like this, sat. Not a single mouse lived in the barn – the 6 foot rat snake that hung out in the beams of the barn took care of that – I felt like I should pay him for his services. Now take note of the tractor seat. I came into the barn, got on the tractor seat, pulled out to the corral with the mower attached to the back of the tractor. I was halfway around the corral when I felt a something touching my thigh – right between my legs. Wow, there are too many news stories of folks touching folks where they should not be touching them. WOW – who is doing that to me? What is going on? – BUT! I looked down, saw a small head and two beady eyes staring up at me from between my legs! You got it – that favorite snake of mine was curled up on the tractor seat when I sat down. Yep, me and that tractor parted ways so fast that if you blinked your eyes you would have missed it. Now the only driver on that tractor, as it was about to hit my corral fence, was the snake. You would have laughed if you saw me running after the tractor, jumping on board with the snake and hitting the tractor off switch. By that time, the snake decided it was his time to abandon tractor and head back to the barn looking for a field mouse that may have left the corral ahead of the mower. I really enjoyed re-living that real story. It was possible because of my diary – oops – I mean my Apple in the cloud.
Reading novels and short stories tell of the fake lives of fake people. My photos are real stories. I am going to start writing down those stories hoping to bring others to do two things:
1. Enjoy at least one story of my life,
2. Be motivated to take ten photos each day of their moments and store them. Then, years later, turn off the TV and read of their own wonderful life’s stories. When they are in their 80’s and 90’s their life will be richer by enjoying and sharing photo stories of their youth – you know, when they were only 60 or 70 years old..
Oh my, I forgot to tell you of my apple a day story – I eat one apple a day and discovered the deer love to eat my left over apple-core. At this period of my life I have no animals, no dog, no horse, no llama – nothing to train – I tried training Gloria, you know that got me nothing but a bop on the head. So, I decided to train a deer.

Getting him to eat out of my hand was no problem.

But getting him to stand at attention until I told him to move forward was kinda’ difficult – but I really had some success.
A deer’s brain for survival is a lot different from a dog or cow, so training them is a lot different. I had some success. I really enjoyed the challenge and enjoyed me and the deer bonding.

As you swing thru life, read a non-fiction story or two – and remember that your true photo stories are the best ones you can find.

If your photo stories seem boring to you – take your horse out there on the stage and tell your story anyhow . Try it at your next dinner party – folks will listen, I am sure.
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