Then we studied a “Vegetable” from the local farm stand – What is it? – do I cut it with my “Leatherman”?

Maybe we can cut it and cook it for dinner? We did – Not good? Oh well! Maybe we cooked it the wrong way? – Only we did not know what it was – so getting a recipe from the web was impossible!

We go fast through Suburbs – sitting backward (No forward facing seats available) by the window – this is our view from the upper visa seat we chose!

We arrive at Penn Station – Now where are our Son and Grandson? – Somewhere out there – Thanks for the cell phone we can find them.

Then we saw this unmade bed – Have no idea what the guy on the right is carrying – what he is up to.

5 security folks are visible in this shot (Think one in the police car is sleeping) – Guess what all of this security is about – The President is coming to town to address the UN Assembly – And Putin will be there also – Did you see it on the news? He arrived moments after this photo and spent the night in NYC – pre UN speech!

A little scary – see my reflection in the window – sort of foo-foo for Halloween say I? Store fronts are always interesting!

Here is Central Park transportation – walking (We walked) , horse, bike, and bike carriage (the red one)

Getting late and we arrived home with our head full of new experiences and new thoughts about life in the big city and how it does differ from our less complex life in Florida and Drummond – but I found it is just made up people being nice people! – They all did say hello, politely laughed at my attempts at humor, and smiled when we communicated! T’was fun!
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