Please read the next paragraphs and learn how to have compassion, not worry, and be happy .
I like to do “street” photography. I roam the streets of NYC and secretly snap photos of people doing what people do in NYC.
In my last post, I showed you where I got caught photographing a person on the street. He/she was searching through garbage. I was photographing her and the garbage because the garbage was blocking the driveway. By the driveway was a “NO PARKING” sign. The sign was saying do not block the driveway by parking there but it said nothing about blocking the driveway with garbage. I found that funny so I whipped out my iphone camera.
The person searching the garbage caught me, gave me the finger, and “Mooned” me. In addition, this morning I read about a street photographer in Melbourne, Australia getting caught doing street photography. The person that caught him attacked the photographer and beat him up.
I do not want these two instances to scare me away from street photography so I said to myself – “Why not continue photographing on the street but pick safe subjects. Flowers won’t get mad at you for photographing them!” – or will they?
Another thing I read this morning was, “A Harvard study found that decorating with a fresh bouquet of flowers led study participants to feel more compassion for others, experience less worry and anxiety, and develop fewer feelings of depression.” They found in other studies that bright colored abstract paintings on the wall had similar effects.
So, my mind said WOW, go do a new kind of street photography. Use colorful flowers as you subject. If they catch you photographing them they won’t beat you up & you can look at the photos and have compassion, not worry, and l be happy. With PhotoShop you can even turn them into bright paintings.
Here are a few photos of my new kind of street photography:

In these “Street Photos” of flowers I practices two key things: Composition and bright flower colors.

I liked the color and composition here.

These flowers made me have compassion, a stressless moment, and happiness. Remember I am working on color and composition.

The thousands of hotels I have been in as I traveled around the world for IBM had colorful abstract art in their lobby’s. Here are two paintings on the wall of the Hilton Hotel in Windber Pa. where I stayed a month ago. They are not flowers but they have good color and composition.

I used the previous photo of roses as my base and painted this piece of colorful abstract art. If you know of a hotel that wants it, they can have it! I made two more.

My best location for flower photography is not on the street but at the front door of our grocery store, Publix, – that is the cut flower section of the store.

I could not help myself – using the last flower photo, I created another bright colorful abstract. Remember, if you have one of these on your wall, studies show you will feel more compassion for others, experience less worry and anxiety, and develop fewer feelings of depression.

I had lots of time to play with my flowers today. The left at the grocery store, on right in my head. You can look at Flowers and paintings at the same time!

Hey, I feel safe doing this new kind of street photography – it is fun and no plants shouted at me, or gave me the finger or Mooned me – So, I had to make my own aggressive flower with Photoshop. This poor wilted Christmas Plant shouted “GET OUT OF HERE.” It pointed a finger at me but did not Moon me!

AS YOU SWING THROUGH LIFE – Smell the roses, so to speak – I mean when you go to the grocery store – if you do not want to spend $’s on cut flowers, stop and snap a photo with your phone. It is free, the flowers will not complain and the store manage told me :”ENJOY”
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