I love to hum songs in the morning as I work my chores.
First thing this morning – these deer made me think of a song. Why because the poor buck must now decide which is most important to him – The Doe or the garden – In another couple of weeks the question will not even pop into his head – He will know for sure – but now he just noticed that the doe does not have antlers – soon he will notice other differences – No decisions then – you just wait and see!!!

The song – Decisions, but I want it all so I get it all
I wanna eat the whole cake
I’m not sharing, I’m not sharing
You should have learned how to bake
Miley Cyrus

Getting ready for my one hour of horsemanship I was reminded of the song “Where have all the flowers gone” Perla and I know theĀ answer to that question!!!

The clouds are more clearly reflected then the real ons in the sky – This morning as Perla and I went along this lake, the song of reflections popped into my mind:
Look at me
You may think you see
Who I really am
But, I am only the reflection
Christina Aguilera

I have no song about trimming your toe nails – but I found at least 50 references to how to trim your nails on the web – most started out this way “When it comes to toenail trimming, many people take a minimalist approach: a quick clip when they notice their toenails are snagging their socks” Then they had some things to sell you to do it right!
This is John – Every 6 weeks he does it right for Perla – and he has purchased many tools to do it right – Thanks John.

See the difference – Left foot done – Right foot about to be done!!!
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