Before I try to make sense – Donald Wyllie sent a photo and some words that do make sense:

Good grief Gary, what are you drinking? We don’t even have to go that far north to freeze bits of our anatomy off. I think we should encourage Doug Jensen to go and then report back.
Anyway, we have survived your hurricane which did a lot of damage here but brought a lot of surprised birds. Attached is a wet Skimmer wondering where home is. Thousands of Laughing Gulls all standing around looking tired.
TGO will be warm enough for us mid December.
I have read this: In the Roman empire, many many years ago it was carved in stone -“Repetitio mater studiorum est.” If you are not sure what that means I will tell you.
It says: “Repetition is the mother of all learning” – Those Romans were smart say I.
Cambridge University found you can learn a new language at any age. Their research determined that all you need to do is say a word 160 times in 14 minutes to truly know it. Say they, repetition is the key to learning a new language.
Ask I – how does that apply to Birds-of-a-Feather (BOAF) in the TGO Photo Club? The answer is: The concept of BOAF is to focus on one photographic topic of interest, repeat only that photo interest for awhile, and share with others in your BOAF group:
These are two learning elements for us older folks:
1. REPETITION — BOAF have selected one subject to photograph over and over until we get it right or get bored with it. Then we can move on to something else.
2. SENIOR LEARNING – Learn by doing and sharing with other BOAF members – not from a lecturer and text-book.
So, that is my advertisement for the day.
Here is a partial list (Two dozen) of photograph genres that you may want to choose to BOAF with – on the first three I posted some of my photos – I wish I would have been able to shoot them with a group and get to see their ideas on how to photo the same subjects:
- Clouds

Clouds are the topic I BOAF with – I know I am the only one with a camera – but all my friends are always looking at the clouds and telling me to get out your iPhone and capture the faces we see in the clouds.

another face

My last trip into the Soo (Sault St Marie) from my airplane window – I see a face!
2. Reflections

Sue ask me to be her co-pilot in a Mini-Cooper parade – I looked at 14 miles of Mini-Coopers through the reflection in the rear view mirror – I am always looking for reflections – and my friends like BOAF often point them out to me.

The gap looking out over Lake Huron as seen via the reflection in the Mini-Cooper window in my driveway

Now, how ’bout my house as a reflection

A little bit of Photo shop as Sue was saying Good-Bye
3. Seasonal changes

Have to do my photo art – Can not help myself – This is Bucky in the summer – is it a reflection?

Now I tried to show the four seasons with Bucky
4. Photo art (I had one person ask could this be a BOAF group)
5. Words and pictures (I had one experienced writer in the TGO Photo Club suggest this as a BOAF group)
6. Bird Photography – (I had one experienced photographer in the TGO Photo Club ask to be part of this BOAF group)
7. Auto rallies
8. Home and community to show friends your Florida home
9. Aerial photography
10. Landscape
11. Cityscapes
12. Night Lights
13. Portrait Photography
14. Photographing Trees
15.Photographing Flowers
16. Urban and suburban animals (Rabbits, squirrels, skunks, armadillos, etc)
17. Farm animals
18. Zoo animals
19. Auto races
20. Creek beds
21. Churches
22. Pets
23. Texture
24. Food products

As you swing thru life – join with others who are birds-of-a-feather with you- even if you are the only one with a camera, your friends will help you repeat – taking photo after photo of a specific subject! – By doing that you will learn – I promise!
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