If I were a professional photographer, I am sure I would set up my photo shoot and I would know what I was shooting. But, I am not a professional, I am an obsessed iphone snapshot photographer. If I see something that makes me smile, or say “WOW”, or makes me wish you were here to see it with me, I grab the phone out of my pocket and snap a photo.
Often, when I look at the photos next morning, I see things I never expected to see. Sometimes I see only the the thing I want to show you but the photograph is terrible. Composition is poor, focus is terrible, color and tone just don’t do it.
I have included a couple of each of those kinds of photo. Another one of my photograph hobbies is to start with a photo and create, with Photoshop, an abstract art image. I included two of those also:

I wish you were here to see this – bunny was hiding from me. He did not know I could see him behind the chair.

Wish you were riding the Nature Trail with me. This racoon was hiding and I would have loved to point that out to you. (This was behind one of the houses, before the bridge, as you travel from Windsong on the Nature Trail)

At breakfast this guy – raccoon – was sitting outside my window.

When I went out he ran up the tree and hid – Here is what I wanted to show you. He thought he was hiding but he forgot he had a tail. It made me laugh.

I was shooting these flowers – I liked the composition of the stem, going from lower left to upper right, between the flowers. I did not know that the bee was going to get in the way until I looked at the photo.

I was snapping that squirrel in the tree – it was nervous and constantly looking over it’s shoulder – Could not figure out why it was doing that until I noticed Ivy’s ears (Ivy is my daughter’s dog) sticking up behind the wall!

There is a Lady bug hiding in this bouquet of flowers. I actually used PhotoShop to put it there.

I used the previous bouquet as a starter for this abstract. I did not like it too much ’cause it looked sort of angry – and I love happy. Oh do you see several birds?

So I used the angry abstract as the base for this happier abstract – I love it!

AS YOU SWING THROUGH LIFE -Snap those photos that male you smile – then share them.
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