Dave wrote: Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. A Red-throated Loon. This bird is an adult just starting it’s molt into winter or non-breeding plumage. In winter plumage they are basically black and white. Red-throated Loons breed in the high Arctic. They winter off the Coast of the Atlantic Ocean. They can also be found on the Great Lakes in winter. I have seen them on Lake Ontario in winter. It is quite unusual to have one in the Rome, NY area. This bird was on the Barge Canal about 3 miles from our house. It was fun to see and photograph it in mostly breeding plumage as we have never seen that before. Dave
I want move your eyes from this quite unusual Loon in the Rome, NY area to a rather usual animal in our TGO Florida. But even if this guy isa common site in and around the lake behind our house he/she is always fun to see and photograph.
That smile suggest he/she is looking for a friendly dog or squirrel to share lunch with. I used the 3x lens on my iPhone and a little photoshop to get this close to his lunch table.
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