Dave wrote: Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. A Red-throated Loon. This bird is an adult just starting it’s molt into winter or non-breeding plumage. In winter plumage they are basically black and white. Red-throated Loons breed in the high Arctic. They winter off the Coast of the Atlantic Ocean. They can also be found on the Great Lakes in winter. I have seen them on Lake Ontario in winter. It is quite unusual to have one in the Rome, NY area. This bird was on the Barge Canal about 3 miles from our house. It was fun to see and photograph it in mostly breeding plumage as we have never seen that before. Dave

09 01 2022 Dave Cesari

09 01 2022 Dave Cesari
I want move your eyes from this quite unusual Loon in the Rome, NY area to a rather usual animal in our TGO Florida. But even if this guy isa common site in and around the lake behind our house he/she is always fun to see and photograph.
That smile suggest he/she is looking for a friendly dog or squirrel to share lunch with. I used the 3x lens on my iPhone and a little photoshop to get this close to his lunch table.

09 01 2022 Hidden Lakes

As you swing through life, do as Dave says – grab your camera and have fun shooting the Loon in your area – even if you have to substitute that Loon with and Alligator, have fun with your camera!
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