The way I live, I enjoy trying new hobbies and learning new things. These last months have been interesting. I have been studying the evolution of us – Homosapiens.
Some researchers have a theory that somewhere around 30,000 years ago we, by pure chance, had a segment of our brain DNA mutated. Pre-mutation we had a language, we could tell those around us there is a tiger down by the river. But if we wanted to organize to go attack it with clubs we could not do that. We could only communicate about tangible things and an organization is intangible.
Our original brain was not geared to think about an intangible organization. It could not think about a group with a leader to get us convinced that we should follow him/her to attack the tiger. Post-mutation we were able to talk about intangible things like feelings, organizations, and inequalities where a member was a leader – someone special. Post-mutation we could even believe in intangible spirits – thus religion was started.
In summary, things that did not exist began to control our lives. Good control if we made spirits happy but watch out if you angered the spirits. Kings even started to exist – Bring me the best food and carry me on a litter and I will keep the spirits happy. The world changed. The Homosapiens could now live in groups with government and religion’s rulings. Some researchers believe that new ability to organize is how Homosapiens were able to drive all others to extinction.
Even the art changed due to the mutilation. The paintings on the cave’s walls started to go beyond figures of horses and bulls – they showed surreal abstract art of spirits like human bodies with animal heads and visa versa.
Oh, what does that have to do with you and me? My studying new things about our evolution lead me to study cave drawings and energized me to experience PhotoShop to create, each day, at least one abstract-surreal art piece which I must show you. That is what it has to do with us and the way I live:

An example of modern art that sold for millions of dollars – Oh my, we sure can see the intangible unreal now days.

and another modern abstract art

Now here is some cave art where the animals look real and tangible.

But here they started to believe in spirits – animal heads on human bodies. Current researchers gave that kind of art a name, “Therianthropes” – Look it up in the dictionary or be modern and go to google!

My iphone is really in the old days, Pre-DNA mutation – it only creates things that are real and tangible.

But I began to help that old phone along – to get modern and create the unreal

I even added Therianthropes – the spirits are happy with our evolution

Well I went all the way – maybe I can sell it for millions

For real

As my mutilated brain saw it

AS YOU SWING THROUGH LIFE -Try to appreciate modern art – and find new things to study and experience each day – It is a fun way to live.
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