Did you know – I did not – and I do not want the experience – but, I found that there is a hidden life in each one of some selected little mushroom morsels:

Like other types of hallucinogenic drugs, psilocybin can produce a wide range of euphoric and psychedelic effects. Psilocybin can produce euphoria, hallucinations and a distorted sense of time for the user. It is very common for those under the influence of magic mushrooms to act erratically and irrationally.

I found in scanning the book “Stuff” a story of the fungi turning the dead log into dust, mixed with soil, catching a fallen seed – growing a new tree from the seed – producing coffee beans for our offsprings of future generations – or was it the book “Hidden life of a tree”?

What is Goldy saying to Perla? Hint: Perla is not within 5′ of the personal space of Goldy – Goldy’s ears are saying that – The ears are one word in the Hidden Language(Lives) of horses! – In this case – “Don’t come any closer”

The stare word – from the Momma to the young Buck. What is being said?What is the deer’s language saying? Hint see next photo

Momma said – “Do you not understand – I said do not step foot on my grass on the inner circle of this drive way.” By looking at the Buck’s stretched out front legs that produced a quick getaway we know the Answer – Now the young Buck understands Moma’s hidden stare language.

I did not get to study the “Hidden Lives of Trees” – but friends insisted I put this tree in my Blog – The tree is at what we call Four Corners here on Drummond – in front of the hardware Store – They chop the tree back to the top of the stump each year – but each fall it is back – I think that old tree (Stump) has a hidden life – it has a purpose – to produce beauty & shade, through it’s own offspring it nurtures each year.

The cell phone camera lets you capture the “Hidden” – You become a sleuth – – The hidden life of nature is every where – Hope you find it and photo it, and enjoy it – Always bring your Cell phone camera
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