Stuff follows a day in the life of a fictional, typical North American middle-class resident of Seattle. Nothing terribly unusual or dramatic happens. Unless you count average consumption–which Stuff does. Stuff is a fact-packed look at the people and places that are affected every time you sip your coffee, tie your shoes, click your mouse, step on the gas, or read a book.
Hidden Lives and Hidden Languages kind of go together:
I worked many years internationally dealing with the interactions of language and culture as the related to Corporate Planning. Sometimes it seemed some international subsidiaries thought hidden messages were a game to keep Corporate in the the dark – But, I loved to play the game too – just to find out what Corporate may have been missing – maybe that was my real job?
But now on to photography: What happened after finding Stuff, Google showed me books on the Hidden Lives (&languages) of Horses, Trees, Mushrooms, & Deer  – So, out I went with my cell phone camera looking for photos that related to the hidden lives written about in the books.
Here goes:

Did you know – I did not – and I do not want the experience – but, I found that there is a hidden life in each one of some selected little mushroom morsels:

Like other types of hallucinogenic drugs, psilocybin can produce a wide range of euphoric and psychedelic effects. Psilocybin can produce euphoria, hallucinations and a distorted sense of time for the user. It is very common for those under the influence of magic mushrooms to act erratically and irrationally.

Like other types of hallucinogenic drugs, psilocybin can produce a wide range of euphoric and psychedelic effects. Psilocybin can produce euphoria, hallucinations and a distorted sense of time for the user. It is very common for those under the influence of magic mushrooms to act erratically and irrationally.

 I found in scanning the book Stuff a story of the fungi turning the dead log into dust, mixed with soil, catching a fallen seed - growing a new tree, with coffee beans for our offsprings of future generations

I found in scanning the book “Stuff” a story of the fungi turning the dead log into dust, mixed with soil, catching a fallen seed – growing a new tree from the seed – producing coffee beans for our offsprings of future generations – or was it the book “Hidden life of a tree”?

What is Goldy saying to Perla? Hint: Perla is not with 5' of the personal space of Goldy - Goldy's ears are saying that - It is one word in the hidden language of horses!

What is Goldy saying to Perla? Hint: Perla is not within 5′ of the personal space of Goldy – Goldy’s ears are saying that – The ears are one word in the Hidden Language(Lives)  of horses! – In this case – “Don’t come any closer”

Stare word - from the Momma to the young Buck. What is being said? Hint see next photo

The stare word – from the Momma to the young Buck. What is being said?What is the deer’s language saying? Hint see next photo

Momma said - Do you not understand - I said do not step foot on my grass on the inner circle of this drive way. Answer - Now the young Buck understands!!!

Momma said – “Do you not understand – I said do not step foot on my grass on the inner circle of this drive way.” By looking at the Buck’s stretched out front legs that produced a quick getaway we know the Answer – Now the young Buck understands Moma’s hidden stare language.

I did not get to study the Hidden Lives of Trees - but friends insisted I put this tree in this Blog - The tree is at what we call Four Corners here on Drummond - in front of the hardware Store - They chop the tree back to the top of the stump each year - but each fall it is back - I think that old tree (Stump) has a hidden life - it has a purpose - to produce beauty, shade, through an offspring nurtured each year

I did not get to study the “Hidden Lives of Trees” – but friends insisted I put this tree in my Blog – The tree is at what we call Four Corners here on Drummond – in front of the hardware Store – They chop the tree back to the top of the stump each year – but each fall it is back – I think that old tree (Stump) has a hidden life – it has a purpose – to produce beauty & shade, through it’s own offspring it nurtures each year.

The hidden life of nature is everywhere - Hope you find it and enjoy it> - Always bring your Cell phone camera

The cell phone camera lets you capture the “Hidden” – You become a sleuth –  – The hidden life of nature is every where – Hope you find it and photo it, and enjoy it – Always bring your Cell phone camera