Before you look at my photos and before you read my idea for the Photo Club this fall, Click on the Photo Shoots images in the left column. Dave Cesari and Bob Hazlett sent some great photos. Jim Dick said I could use any photos he posted on Facebook – I downloaded two and also posted them on Photo Shoots images.

Wow – Apple announced a new cell phone. Three cameras. You get one ultra-wide angle 12-megapixel camera, one standard wide 12-megapixel one, as well as a 12-megapixel telephoto.

They told me at the Apple store – Selfies are great with the new phone – Maybe I’ll get one next month. I have more cutting coming up – Doctors keep trying to make my skin young and giving my heart the energy of an 18-year-old – glad they try & I sure hope they are successful.

This week the velvet was rubbed from the antlers of the bucks that come to eat apples and vegetables stalks I throw out – it must be fall.

I love looking at the sky and seeing things others do not see – Yipes

Of course seeing things others do not see also happens when I eat too much watermelon! Island living does that to you.
In the last 6 weeks I been telling you of my pondering. Pondering about how we, as individuals, could better enjoy our photographing experiences.
Now, I have been pondering about how we, not as individuals, but as bird-of-a-feather, might help each other improve out photographs.
First, I will tell you two short stories to explain how I came up with the idea of adults helping adults learn:
Story 1 – I am very fond of a 58-year-old person who is the manager of 30 millennials. He tells me of the challenges the millennials give him – Says he, “They just don’t think the way I think and they have different values and work habits.”
I ask “Or is it that you have not studied how to work with them and accept their new way of thinking?” He said back to me, “You are right, I am not really studying. But, I am learning. Day by day I do the job. Each evening we managers get-together. We are all going through the same challenges. We are like birds-of-a-feather learning from each other.”
Story 2 Many years ago I took early retirement from IBM. Part of the package was that IBM would pay to retrain me and my wife for a second career. We chose a Masters Degree program at the University of Rhode Island in Adult Education. We had a challenge learning from text books and lectures. After many years of learning on the job, Gloria and I were no longer in the mood to learn from text books and lectures. So, we discussed this conflict with our professor.
Professor “Dr L. Vandenberg said, in addition to attending education sessions, adults are motivated to learn if learning involves:
1. sharing their experience.
2. a specific area of interest.
3. contributing to the learning of their co-learners.
4. an immediate application of what they learned.
Now I got it! As adults, Gloria and I were different from all of the young students. They were comfortable with learning from text books and lectures. Gloria and I were two birds of a feather. We were more comfortable with the adult model of learning. We shared our past teaching experiences, our interest was limited to learning how to teach adults, we helped each other, and we planned to teach adult classes at the University of Texas just as soon as we graduated.
After that discussion with the professor, Gloria and I were more motivated, learned a lot, and completed together our Master’s Program. We learned by being two birds of a feather.
Last week, I pondered, “Can this birds-of-a-feather idea help us in the TGO Photo Club learn to improve our photographs.”
Here is some details on my pondering:
In our regular bi-monthly meetings, this 2019-2020 season, Donald Wyllie’s Education Committee will have education sessions, and Ed Swan will have sharing time as in the past. These meetings are a gathering of all of us – all with a general interest in photography. Then, Nancy always plans numerous great field trips for us. I am assuming she will continue field trips this new season.
I have been pondering – In addition to these regular meetings, maybe the club should formally encourage “Birds-of-a-Feather” – groups of members, with specific interests, getting-together on days other than our bi-monthly meeting.
These Birds-of-a-Feather get-togethers would have no teacher. Just a group of people wanting to learn from each other. Not to teach but simply get to gather to share interests and expertise.
For example, areas such as studio portraits, bird photography, post processing software, nature trail photography, video photography, travel story photographs, real estate photography, landscape photography, and the list goes on.
Tell me at what you think of the “Birds-of-a-Feather” idea. Do you have a specific area of interest.

As you swing thru life – join with others who are birds-of-a-feather with you – It is hard to tell what you will learn!
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