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October 28,2021 – Featuring Dave Cesari who is Captain of the Wildlife Detectives – He found the perpetrator!

Detective Dave wrote:  Hi Jim,  Here are some pictures for the blog. Two days ago I went out to fill  my feeders and found most of the set up on the ground. This morning I saw the culprit. This nice spike horn buck. He was here for 15 minutes or so then just wandered off.  Dave

10 28 2021 Dave Cesari

10 28 2021 Dave Cesari

10 28 2021 Dave Cesari

10 28 2021 Dave Cesari

10 28 2021 Dave Cesari

10 28 2021 Dave Cesari

I find a lot of wildlife perpetrators while I am out and about – On Drummond I have had a spike just like Daves reach into a bird seed bucket and get the lid caught on his head and another one stole a Fourth of July banner and got it caught on his spikes. We got both of them out of their problem after a dozen attempts.

My local beaver on Drummond almost caused a car crash when he left a small tree he cut down in the middle of the road right beyond a blind curve – and the list goes on – But, I love being out and about watching and interacting with nature and helping young people learn to enjoy nature too.

Some photos I took (and made) of my out and about this weeK:

Let me start by showing this photo – beautiful color

Gloria is doing outstanding  in creating abstract art.  She is getting invited into shows and, starting Nov 1, will be part of a “Six Women on-line Holiday Art Gallery”. (I will update this page with a link to their gallery on Monday).  Anyway, when I am out-and-about, I see nature’s moisture and wind create abstract art in the sky each day.   The art of the six women is better in one way – you can buy it – whereas you can not buy the sky, only look at it when you are out-and-about.

Some times nature is hard to find. I love the way this turtle is camouflaged. Sort of looks like abstract art.

Flying RC airplanes is, of course, an outdoor sport. This young teen is a pro at it. Here he is being interviewed by a company representative. It is great to be involved in an activity that gives young people this kind of experience in developing their skills not only in the sport but in the self confidence of being interviewed and filmed for the news and corporate promotions.

—– then in demonstrating that skill without crashing the model airplane in front of the camera!

While out and about in my community I see this sign every day – I wanted to show you how I think! “I never liked that Tenant anyway – Glad the community gave me a place to dispose of him”

—–  and finally, an angel in the sky!

As you swing thru life I wish for you to be out-and-about. Stop and make every blink of your eye an image to enjoy.


October 23, 2021 – Featuring Dave Cesari and a few photos I have seen, taken, and/or made in the last month – WOW!

Dave wrote:  Hi Jim, Here are a few pictures for the blog. Temperatures are more fall like here. Endless rain over 3 inches in the last 3 days. Some fall warblers plus a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker and a White-throated Sparrow. The warblers are a Blackpoll Warbler and a Myrtle Warbler. Dave

10 23 2021 Dave Cesari

10 23 2021 Dave Cesari

10 23 2021 Dave Cesari

10 23 2021 Dave Cesari

10 23 2021 Dave Cesari

10 23 2021 Dave Cesari

Now I (Jim) will write:  In September I sold our place on Drummond Island,  had a barn sale, packed some things for shipment to Florida, Conn, and New Jersey (daughter Heather’s and son Jim’s place), stored an unsold boat for the winter and other misanulus things for sale in the spring, helped Jim and Sue load the Conn/NJ things (including the bed I was born in) into the stock trailer which they pulled there.  Their load included a 1948 Ford tractor which my dad (their granddad) bought in 1948. – They will keep it as a family heirloom along with the bed I was born in.

In October, I re-oriented myself to Florida. What great fun – it was relatively cool and dry so I got to spend a lot of time outdoors just seeing things and photographing many of them – Oh, I did start a new outdoor hobby which has challenged my old brain beyond what I ever expected. I will show you just a few photos of my outdoor adventures!:

Life is all art. The cloths you wear were created by a designer, the design on your rugs were created by an artist, how about the pattern on the plates your put your food on? The sky clouds are another pallet. As I left the Island for the last time this fall I stopped to salute our flag in front of the clouds over the marina on the way to the ferry.  I think the clouds are a real piece of art for a backdrop to our flag!

This cloud looks like it has a face to me. I saw it while biking here in TGO, Florida – I think it is beautiful abstract art!

Still biking – The cross drawn in the sky. – Contrails, I guess.

While outdoors biking I found this little guy crossing the road – I picked him/her up and placed him/her off the road – The road is a dumb place for a little guy like this.

Oh, be for I placed him/her off the road I looked at the undershell, It is a piece of art that would make a great pattern for something – maybe a rug.

See the squirrel at the base of the tree looking at the squirrel in the grass – Oops, the squirrel in grass is not a squirrel – it is a little palm branch that fell from the tree overhead.

Oh, I forgot to tell  you of my new hobby – here is my instructor & friend working on the model airplane model I flew earlier this week.

I made this photograph to explain why my instructor was working on the airplane, in the previous photo. Fortunatly all that was required was to remove a few pine needle from the wing. The audience of a dozen or so experienced pilots said they could not figure out how I saved the plane – they wanted to shake my hand – I told them my instructor took control of the plane just milliseconds in front of the tree and saved the plane! – I had nothing to do with saving it – I only set it up for disaster and I am sure I will do that again if they want to stay and watch!

Back to something I know a little about – biking. I enjoyed this shot because it was if I had a camera on a model airplane or drone – but I was only biking over a bridge and the deer were down by the water looking up at me.

As you swing thru life enjoy enjoy the Great Outdoors – I hope these photos help explain why I spend all my free time outdoors – just to see see God’s art and things every step or peddle of the way.

October 1, 2021 – Featuring Dave Cesari and my, Oh my! What a summer I have had – but fall is in the air – how do I know – read on – I will show you!

Dave wrote:  Hi Jim, I know I haven’t sent you any pictures in a while. It is kind of the dull time of year here in upstate NY. Other than feeder birds not much around. Going through some of my files of warblers I picked out some of my favorites to send to you. The warblers are some of my favorite birds. Here are some colorful male birds from a few seasons past. A Bay-breasted Warbler, a Magnolia Warbler, a Blue-winged Warbler, twoBlack and white Warblers and two Blackburnian Warblers. Dave

10 01 2021 Dave Cesari

10 01 2021 Dave Cesari

10 01 2021 Dave Cesari

10 01 2021 Dave Cesari

10 01 2021 Dave Cesari

10 01 2021 Dave Cesari

10 01 2021 Dave Cesari

Lets look at things that tell me it is fall here on Drummond Island – my island of nature shows millions of signs of the season in all four seasons – but, now it says fall!

The otter is fishing near shore on a cool misty morning in a bay on Lake Huron – somehow it says fall to me

My human fishing friend is not wearing shorts and a tee-shirt – says fall to me.

This beautiful buck has just lost it’s velvet – look at the red tone to the antlers – that says they are brand new rubbed off velvet – says fall

Two weeks ago this little fellow had lots of spots – all gone – that says fall is now here

Cedar trees do not have the color of the hard woods of New England – but they show and then shed a lot of seeds – only in the fall

Look at the sky and the color of the leaves – That photo says fall to me

Beautiful sunset sky – a little earlier, a little further south, with a dark layer of clouds overhead with beautiful snake skin pattern over the Island tree tops. It all says fall to me!

Autumnal Equinox arrived on September 22, 2021!  I read that after the fact.  But then I already knew Fall arrived just by being outside on Drummond Island.

As you swing thru life enjoy nature in your area – bet you can find ways to tell what season it is

Aug 30, 2021 – Featuring Dave Cesari’s almost fall in Up-State NY and the beautiful Humming BIrd

I never met anyone that did not enjoy the Humming Bird. Dave photo’s posted here are outstanding. – Enjoy!

Dave Wrote:

Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. Summer is winding down here in upstate NY. Migration is well under way color on some of the trees. Here are some pictures of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds. Still a few of them around but many have already left. Dave

08 30 2021 Dave Cesari

08 30 2021 Dave Cesari

08 30 2021 Dave Cesari

08 30 2021 Dave Cesari

08 30 2021 Dave Cesari

Now it is my turn – I could not help myself – I just had to take a rainy day and play with PhotoShop – Would you ever hang one of these on your wall if I printed it?

Somehow this photo fell off my camera into my PhotoShop software on my computer on that rainy day!

Then PhotoShop put this on my desktop.

Then PhotoShop oil painted it

Then PhotoShop twirled it

Then PhotoShop painted the twirl

Then PhotoShop went out unto open rain and wind swept Lake Huron

At least I did not get bored during those 24 hours of rain.  If you missed my posting two days ago on human communications as seen in street photography – click “Older posts” below

As you swing thru life enjoy nature as Dave Cesari does when he shows us his photos – let his photos inspire us to get out, pause, and study nature – in short – enjoy the world around us!

Aug 28, 2021 – Street Photography & Communications – Oh my – Sounds boring. – But, please read on:

Communication is an interesting subject to ponder.  What do people talk about when they meet on the street and how do they talk?  Posture, gestures, and environment are really a part of their communication.  Even if the listener is not watching the talker might point.  We are human and we use posture, gestures, and environment to make our point.

Street Photography is photographing people that are communicating via posture, gestures, and environment since my Street Photos do not carry sound.  Street Photography is photographically telling a story of what people are communicating. 

While on a  walk yesterday,  as on most walks, I had my camera with me. I try to record communication stories I trigger or just plain see.  A few of those photos follow for your enjoyment:

Before getting out of my own lawn, this little fawn allowed me to walk right up to it – This photo is showing how the deer communicated to me – His pose and demeanor say “I am not afraid – Some humans feed me apples  – Do you have an apple for me?”

Communication as we humans do sometimes- ” We Point.”
With the outboard running,  I doubt that these guys really hear each other – they are communicating with gestures – finger pointing.

On the left, Linda is ignoring the talker on the right as she baits her hook. The talker is communicating with his hands but no one is listening to his hands. The story I wanted my photo to communicate is that even when no one is watching we humans gesture like animals do to communicate.

In the upper left, that is Ivan heading for the fishing ground with a father and son as fishing clients. He does not know it but he is communicating with Jim on the cycle.  See Jim watching.  Jim is not an experienced fisherman like Ivan.   Ivan is communicating to Jim where the fish are just by the route his boat is taking.

These two fun folks from Buffalo live on the “Emerald Isle”, a 43 foot sailing home They came ashore with 2 foldable bikes and communicated with me.  They expressed delight in having a local guide tell them about local biking roads.  Opps, upon return to the dingy, the motor would not start – I saw communication here without a word being spoken so I snapped this photo.   It says that “The motor will not start.” by showing  that the dingy motor is up, he is rowing, and she is navigating”.

I posted this photo because there is communication here – Linda always has that Sea Gull sitting on her fishing boat. That communicates to me that Linda feeds him all of her used bait.  I also know when Linda is not getting any fish activity.   That is when the time between Linda having used bait is too long for Gully and he hops down on the boat seat near her.  Therefore, I see lots of communication in this photo

This photo communicates to me. It says vacation in this Fort Drummond rented boat is fun – be friendly to that man on the road taking our picture.  It communicates to me “Happiness.”  Of course much more is communicated – The lady in the middle is the careful one with life vest on.  The lady in front is worried about too much sun  with long sleeves and sun glasses and I think she was not quite aware of the casual dress and hair code on Drummond. The man driving the boat says this sure is a lot more fun than the desk I sat at while working yesterday.

I see communication here as Ivan fills his charter boat’s fuel tank preparing for yet another trip to the fishing spot.  Ivan  is  a man who loves his job better than any person could love his/her job. Ivan is Sturgeon Bay Caharter’s Captain – he is the best.  He loves his clients too.  Because I know Ivan, this photo communicates to me what I think is on Ivan’s mind as my shutter snapped this photo.   You might want to study his face and see what you think his face communicates.

With the Sturgeon Bay Charter boat in the back ground, I ask you, do you see anticipation for the fishing trip communicated by this father son team – Ivan’s clients.

This photo communicates to me. This young son of Fort Drummond Marina has a lot of responsible. In right hand an electric drill and a bucket of screws to attach boards with proper spacing and solid attachment to the understructure. To me, his body posture and focused eyes communicate pure confidence.  This young man communicated to me  that he knows he is already a trusted valuable part of the family business.

As you swing thru life and look at a scene that you know I might want to photograph. Try to think about what the scene communicates if I did snap it as a photograph. I hope that thinking will help you appreciate life a little more via your communication with the scene.


Aug 17, 2021 – Featuring me, a Road-Photographer. My trip today is to get to know you better. Read on:

You are human. You can tell stories. That separates you from other animals.  We humans all have cameras now with our cell phones.  So use it to record your story.  But then what?  Read on, maybe I will give you an idea on how we can get to know each other better.

Photojournalism corresponds directly to what people should be informed about. It is a form of journalism using photographs to tell a story that should be told to the people.  

Whereas, Street-Photography corresponds directly with the photographer not the people. It is a form of building a photo album, a story, of what is interesting to the photographer at the moment the shutter is pushed.  It does not have to be a story that should be told to the people.

Of course you, may be interested in my photo album but I really built it for me – to fulfill my desire to record scenes I found interesting.   I try to get to the point where, in the split second, I have to pull the trigger I automatically apply good photo composure, color, and all that make a great photo.  But I do not fret over my failures because I am recording a story for my viewing pleasure.  I can enjoy the scene in review even if the composition is not perfect.  So, I am not ashamed to show you my album of less than perfect images of my perfect photos.  Hope you feel the same about the photos you take.

New subject: I started this blog to share with my Kids & Grandkids.  I hoped it would encourage them to enjoy sharing their own personal life with me by sharing their photo albums with me. That way I would really get to know them through seeing what interested them.  In short,  I tried to make them each become Street-Photographer’s snapping their unique interest.   Hope that all makes sense.

I want to show you a dozen or so photos from my Drummond Island morning journey on foot down the road doing road-photography  (We do not call them streets):

The day starts on my own road when I step out to great the morning here on Drummond Isaland – You see the circle road passing in front of the horse trailer. Of course not. I had it nicely graded and surfaced with road mix a few years back – But nature had other ideas – she wanted it to look natural and green – she wins and I love it.  She did leave it hard – nice to drive on – So we both win.

Next – I did not travel yet – but I did watch Momma deer (She is hiding behind the trailer) give a modern lesson to her triplets. She came to the edge of the road – looked both ways and then crossed the road. Her three little ones did the same – I gave each of the an “A”

Time for me to get my morning apple and be on the road. Oops! My brain went into gear wondering how many people are pealing off that little sticker telling you what kind of apple it is. Another modern lesson – many years ago when I got my breakfast apple I picked it off the ground, looked and the tree it was under and knew what kind of apple it was! Ever onward with my morning stroll.

My dock needs help – In the last two winters the pressure of the ice breakup in the Bay did the damage

But look at the beautiful flowers growing in the shallow water by the dock

I see images of things everywhere – in the clouds, in the fallen bark from a birch tree – everywhere!

Even in beautiful rotten logs I see a creatures face.

And one of the few times I eat out I look up and see a face of a bird – Oh it is real

Thought I would throw in this image that made me think integrated neighbor hood.

The beauty of long past thistles scattered on the low plants in front of the thistle plants.

Now some real people coming in from an early morning fishing trip – sort of like real street photography of real people doing real things.  What is the guy in red pointing to in the sky – is anybody listening.

More real street (road) photography at the Marina down the road

I could not help my self – Just had to reflect that just a few short weeks ago I was doing street photography in New York City. Oh my!

As you swing through life help others get to know you better – Show them your personal photo albums – in fact enjoy making your photo albums – become a regular photographer – a regular story teller – enjoy

August 2, 2021 – Featuring Dave Cesari with some great insight to the Jaegers. Plus some of my Brooklyn Street Photography. Think color – read on.

Dave Wrote:  Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. This is the slow time of year for bird photography. Going thru some older files.  Here are some shots of Jaegers from Daytona Beach, Fla. from a few years ago. In late afternoon there are thousands of gulls that gather on the beach.  Jaegers gather there also to prey on the gulls.  Jaegers are a piratical kleptoparasitic bird. They chase the gulls to make them either disgorge or drop what prey they have caught. We go there to see the gulls but my main interest i s to try to photograph the jaegers. This one day I was successfull to shoot two different species. First an immature Pomarine Jaeger then a Parasitic Jaeger. The last is the Pomy chasing a Parasitic. The best I’ve   ever gotten them. Dave

08 02 2021 Dave Cesari

08 02 2021 Dave Cesari

08 02 2021 Dave Cesari

08 02 2021 Dave Cesari

08 02 2021 Dave Cesari


Color – I love it.  Color is a major element in life! We people (humans) use color as an identity of our culture, to show our feeling today, to proclaim our religion, to make our social statement, etc.   Since street photography is about people,  look for the color I found as I snapped these photographs, secretly, with my iphone.

For unplanned reasons, I spent nearly a week in New York City’s borough of Brooklyn.  Each day, I had time to do some “Street Photography” in areas where people actually live.  I found it to be a brand new experience.  It stimulated the idea of  traveling to major cities in the future and street walking in areas where people live. 

That will be a lot different from trips I have done in the past.  I worked in most major cities of the US and Europe, but always down-town in offices and hotels where people work, not where they live.  After this Brooklyn experience, I want to go back to those cities and photograph where people live, love, eat, play, attend religion service, and shop.  My street time in Brooklyn really got me to thinkin’ that way.

Here is some of what I saw. Hope to show you, in the future, more from NYC & other cities around the world:

Color culture – Three leaving Avenue H Subway, Brooklyn.

Color statement – Waiting in line for breakfast, near Foster Avenue, Brooklyn

Color culture or religion – Crossing the street

Color with one color being black and one color being bright – yet they are visiting together.

Color all around the shopper from the Container Store – Maybe in front of the Milk & Honey Cafe’, Brooklyn

Oh my – looks like the storm did it – wonder if the person on the bench lost it.  Wonder what her colored cloth represents?

Walked around umbrella and turned around – Wow Color!  The person is standing on a bench talking on cell phone.

Color of the clothing was black and white so I did the photo in Black and white – I was surprised by the casual shoes under what I considered sort of a formal dress.

Color – Deco used color on the graffiti to get his/her message to the viewer.

Color & the joy visiting with a friend on the  iPhone.  I think I see bit of a smile as she enters my photo from the right – But the object of this photo is really the lady in the background – soft color dress – The eyes say I got caught – but the real purpose of the shot was to show the nicely colored shoes.

As you swing through life enjoy getting caught as you enjoy people out about on the streets around you.

July 15, 2021 – Featuring Dave Cesari’s Hummingbirds. I added Street Photographs from my trip to Manhattan, NYC – Oh MY!

Dave wrote: Hi Jim, We are having a stormy day here in upstate NY. It has been a very wet summer so far with endless rain and thunder storms here. Here are some pictures of female Ruby-throated Hummingbirds at a large patch of Bee balm flowers in our yard. The hummes are attracted to the bright red flowers.   Dave

07 14 2021 Dave Cesari

07 14 2021 Dave Cesari

07 14 2021 Dave Cesari

07 14 2021 Dave Cesari

07 14 2021 Dave Cesari

07 14 2021 Dave Cesari

I wrote:  As a street photographer wanna-be, I need to travel to a city to practice “Street Photography” and photograph street life.  I just returned from such a trip to Manhattan, New York City.  

You and future generations may look at my photos and wonder about NYC modes of transportation, skimpy fashions, tattoos, hair styles, and business dress. You may see we have new roles for Men, Women, Parents, and “They”. 

Anyway, the purpose of my “Street Photography,” is to show you things I saw out there that made me wonder and laugh.  I apologize for my inexperience but hope that I have made enough progress as a street photographer to hold your interest. – Enjoy! Oh by-the-way I have hundreds more to post here in the future – popular places like Time Square, Central Park, and Wall Street – so be ready to come back to this blog.

Did he scooter to meet the man in green – now they walk with folded scooter?

Lunch line-up at take-out from Sweetgreen on Wall Street – Was the lady leaving sent to pickup lunch for whole office?

More deliveries – Is it a US postage truck, what is on the push cart, waiting to cross the road, carrying, is HalalFood a lunch wagon?

Wall Street business dress?

In front of the NYC Court House – What is Gloria selling to the man in a business suit of the type I wore 50 years ago? – He needed the cane, but he said he really carried it for safety when he walked the streets of NYC

The modern business lady? – near Wall Street

What is being handed out the door? Did the young man  in white business shirt and iPhone even notice?

It takes a lot of deliveries to keep NYC functioning?

Why are they walking the Brooklyn Bridge ?- To get to the other side of course.

Oh my, did you notice this man is not walking the Brooklyn Bridge – he is riding a motorized wheel?

Young teenager off to work – On his scooter – My Grandson

More pushing/moving in NYC near Time Square – Why?


Is she asking the hotel desk to clean her room while she scooters off to work for the day?

Do you have to read your iPhone to ride the subway?

What do you think this guy is moving? It takes a lot of moved stuff to keep NYC functioning

As you swing through life enjoy watching humans and my blog ’cause I have many more photos of humans on the streets

June 28, 2021 – Featuring Dave Cesari, up-state New York is seeing summer and the summer birds – enjoy Dave’s photos – they are great.

Dave wrote:  Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. A Wood Thrush and a Red-eyed Vireo. They are both woodland or forest species. They are both persistent singers. The Wood Thrush sings mostly at dawn and dusk. The Vireo is apt to sing through the day.  We are getting on to high summer here in upstate NY. Sure beats that cold snowy winter weather we get here.  Dave

06 28 2021 Dave Cesari

06 28 2021 Dave Cesari

06 28 2021 Dave Cesari

06 28 2021 Dave Cesari

June 21, 2021 – Featuring the mindful art of taking poor photographs!

This week and last week have been a lot of fun for me and my computer and my camera. Thought I would try to tell you of some of that fun – just for fun!

I am up here on this rather remote island – Drummond Island. It offers a fair amount of time to read,  ponder, and sleep.  Did you ever hear of mindful photography?  I never did until last week. Now, I’ve been reading and pondering it.

The book I’ve been reading describes it as a sort of a spooky zen thing – but I like a lot of their ideas: 

Mindful photography is not about the one-upmanship or the desire to take the “best photo.” It’s a slower, more Zen style of photography. In regular photography we often become consumed with the idea of capturing the perfect shot. 

Mindful photography, on the other hand, is about being in the moment while also doing photography.  Studying, pondering, and creating an emotion with what is seen.  Then, without much  thought of photo excellence, snapping the moment to help recall that emotion in the future. The subject is not the focus of the photo, the emotion is the focus.

Oh, by-the-way, Mindful Photography can also improve mental health according to Jaime Kurtz (James Madison University).”

You know, I have many photos of clouds, of squirrels, of ducks, of deer, of tree bark, my horses, my cows, ……. None of them are great photos. They are photos that document the emotion that I was feeling or day-dreaming about at that moment.  Maybe I am a mindful photographer after all?  For example, this week, I was feeling and day-dreaming about the dominance among animals. I took photos of dominance happening.

I was watching several buzzards steal a fish from a Gull, then one dominating buzzard chasing the other buzzards away.  A dominate deer peeing to mark her territory, warning all other deer that the apple core I held in my hand was her’s alone.   Momma duck calling her babies to follow her away from me, that man on the bike. Clearly Momma was a dominate boss and each of the 10 babies fell right in line. Even Daddy duck fell in behind the family as Momma duck told him to do!  And, horses – Yes, herds of horses really have a dominate pecking order which every member respects.

I will share a few of my mindful photos with you in a moment – But first I will tell you of  an other thing I sometimes do with my photos.  I remove all images, keep the color – squish the colors around and make what I call abstract photography. To get started, I just stare at  a photo on my computer, let my mind dominate my hands by telling them what I want to see on the image. I go to PhotoShop and put it there – I think that is mindful photography too – I will show you some of them too

Poor photo – but it shows how buzzards are dominate – Fish stollen from gulls and only the dominate buzzard got to eat! – However, I just heard from my neighbor, Tom,  that the same thing  happened again – but with a different ending – the dominance has shifted – an Eagle, with talons extended, swooped down and stole the fish from everyone.

Poor photo – It is difficult to see the family that Momma Duck pulled together to move away from me on the bike – they are behind the Tamaracks.

Not a prize winning photo but it shows the dominate deer marking her territory and saying “That apple core he is holding is mine!”

Not a good photo of the owner behind the the board partition.  This horse, Adesse, rules the barn – no other horses in sight – the other four were in the open stall, waiting for Adesse to give up her position near the owner.

‘Tis beautiful. Due to a human interaction with nature, trillions of grasshoppers dominate this farm – Nothing but daisies grow here now – The grasshoppers eat all the green grass but not the daisies.

My mindful mind just had to play with the previous photo. It said, darken the sky, change it to keep the viewers eye on the page, and make it abstract?

My mind told my hands to do this

Oh my.   My mindful mind was still in control! They told my hands to do this too.

In this photo, the focus is on the emotion of my training success – not on creating a perfect horse photo. When I looked at this photo today,  the emotion of pride in training Perla to walk up on the box and stay there until I told her to leave came back to me years after this photo was taken. I relived the emotional joy of that moment from years ago.  Hey, Come to think of it, I was the animal that dominated Perla – Oh my.

As you swing thru life – I say, take a photo of your emotion – your feeling of the moment – then bring it back to life years later as you review your photo library.

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