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April 7, 2023 Featuring Dave Cesari and this time a special photo by Grand Daughter Kay.

Dave Wrote:  Hi Jim, here are some pictures for the blog. We have a Bald Eagle’s nest 3 or 4 miles from where we live. Here  are  some pictures of both the male and female at the nest. The female seems to be sitting on eggs. The male is usually somewhere near by.  The last picture is by our grand daughter who we just set up with a camera and lens.  She is so excited she can hardly stand it. That is the fun of being a grand parent. Dave

04 07 2023 DAVE CESARI

04 07 2023 DAVE CESARI

04 07 2023 DAVE CESARI

04 07 2023 DAVE CESARI

04 07 2023 KAY

As you swing through life, enjoy sharing your activities with a young person – then smile as you drift off to sleep – knowing it was a job well done.

April 6, 2023 – I added three photos. I used Dave’s Cardinal to enhance the story in my photos – take a look!

I Wrote: I lost these photos and Dave had to remind me – I am sure glad I found them – No one can make me enjoy a snowy day in up-state New York the way  Dave and his photos do.  Hope you enjoy them that much too:

Dave wrote: Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. Yesterday was a snowy, stormy day here in upstate NY. Our feeders were very active all day. I had to trudge out in the snow to refill them several times.  Dave

04 04 2023 Dave Cesari

04 04 2023 Dave Cesari

04 04 2023 Dave Cesari

04 04 2023 Dave Cesari

04 04 2023 Dave Cesari

04 04 2023 Dave Cesari

04 04 2023 Dave Cesari

“Where did I put those keys?” … “What was it I wanted when I opened the frig door?” … What was that phone number I just looked up?”   I just was not focusing.

As I get older this happens to me more often. So, to help me practice focusing, I use street photography as one of my hobbies. When out on the street looking to photo people doing interesting things, I need to focus. 

In the next three photos I was focusing on people that were focusing. Of course they were in their own world, so I did not know what they were focusing on.  

I added Dave’s Cardinal, so that when you viewed my photos you would have something that you thought they were focusing on. Ha Ha!

What was the driver focused on

I love NYC streets for photography. But to find this lady focusing was a special find.

At the airport – people focused in their own world – another special find.

Now you know how I practiced focusing by focusing on those that were focusing!


As you swing through life, sprinkle a little snow on the view out your window even if it is sunny and 90 degrees – that is also a beautiful way to enjoy snow.

April 4, 2023 – Dave sent these photos to me in mid March – now it is early April – Read on:

I Wrote: I lost these photos and Dave had to remind me – I am sure glad I found them – No one can make me enjoy a snowy day in up-state New York the way  Dave and his photos do.  Hope you enjoy them that much too:

Dave wrote: Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. Yesterday was a snowy, stormy day here in upstate NY. Our feeders were very active all day. I had to trudge out in the snow to refill them several times.  Dave

04 04 2023 Dave Cesari

04 04 2023 Dave Cesari

04 04 2023 Dave Cesari

04 04 2023 Dave Cesari

04 04 2023 Dave Cesari

04 04 2023 Dave Cesari

04 04 2023 Dave Cesari

As you swing through life, sprinkle a little snow on the view out your window even if it is sunny and 90 degrees – that is also a beautiful way to enjoy snow.

March 5, 2023 Dave, Snow, and Animals – Read on, I have a few thoughts. See if they make sense to you:

DAVE WROTE: Hi Jim, We are well covered with snow now. Here are some pictures for the log. Horned Larks and a Snow Bunting. The larks breed all across the USA. The Bunting breeds in the high arctic on the tundra. In the winter they both gather around farms and in the fields where farmers spread manure. This was a little odd a there were only 3 buntings with 2 or 3oo Larks.  Dave

03 05 2023 Dave Cesari

03 05 2023 Dave Cesari

03 05 2023 Dave Cesari

03 05 2023 Dave Cesari

03 05 2023 Dave Cesari

Our world  is of animals and people.  By assigning human features to each individual animal, we can understand and enjoy our world better.
We relate to each of our acquaintances  based on the features our brain automatically assigned to them – each acquaintance gets different features assigned to them because we are all different and our brain knows that .
Each animal is an individual also, but  we need to help our brain think about the individuality of each animal.  If we do, that it will help us better enjoy our association with the world through the human and animal residents of the world we cohabitate.

Heather has 3 dogs – They each watch the bird feeder as if it was a TV – I never saw an attempt to disturb the birds. This wall is  Ivy’s private TV chair.  Just like my Mom had here own TV chair – no one would dare sit in it and no other dog attempts to take Ivy’s wall.

Ivy has her TV watching chair even in the snow!

This dog wants to perform. It is in her brain to perform like a movie star dancer. I have a Granddaughter that wants to be a star in the performing arts – You see, Granddaughters and dogs each have their individual features.

In the video below, why did that one crane lay down and the rest kept moving?  I do not know how it is different – but it is.   Anyway, I think I can assign the feature of grace to all the cranes – they really move with grace. Just like a movie star of the 50’s gliding across the floor.

Jim was at the barn with Sue, his wife , and her horse.  He assigned the feature of human boredom to her horse. He said he did not know a horse got bored. I said he is looking at you – Dance or something – he is telling you that you are boring him.

Macy is not bored – She found a groundhog! AND it is not groundhogs day!

Heather assigned the human feature of hunger to the Groundhog and tried to fix that human feature.

In this case, it worked.  –  Click on the link below –


Lake Judy – I bet he is hungry



Each day I see three different armadillos – I have been trying to train them – this one shows promise and the others do not – they are each different – I tap the soil and this one will come to the tapping stick – he comes to investigate – he finds no worm or beetle and goes away.  Maybe I can get him to roll over if I bring a pocket full of beetles to reward him –  not there yet – he just turns and moves away!  Click on the following


As you swing through life, think of animals as individuals , each with its own features. That will help us enjoy our world more.


February 24, 2024 – Dave Cesari and me. – Birds, winter ice, cricks, and the people I know! AND at the end, I will tell you why a horse is in my photos.

DAVE WROTE:  Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. Well  we finally got some winter weather here in upstate NY. Snow and freezing rain. Everything is ice covered. My feeders are very active with the change in weather. Here are a few pictures.   Dave

02 25 2023 Dave Cesari

02 25 2023 Dave Cesari

02 25 2023 Dave Cesari

02 25 2023 Dave Cesari

02 25 2023 Dave Cesari

02 25 2023 Dave Cesari


Street photography is like a game: it is fun, unpredictable, and challenging.

Street photography is, also, a like spice: it help us enjoy the flavor of life. 

In street photography, it is the quality of the story that is fun and spicy.  I apologize for the image quality.  It is difficult to get quality photos when shooting with a cell phone camera  through a tinted windshield traveling 50 MPH.

Last week I had to return to the place of my up-bringing to visit a family member.  While on that trip, I spent 24 hours, (pronounced 24 R’s) in the passenger seat of my son’s pick-up – traveling through the Pennsylvania Appalachian Mountains where the people I know have lived their whole life.

The spice of life I pondered as we traveled are things that have meaning to us.  What is a tasty spice to me is not that spicy to you or to Jim Jr.. 

Of course, all of that was an introduction for me to show you some street photographs I took during the 24 r’s I was riding with Jim Jr.  I was looking to record some of my history in photographs –  my own spice to add flavor to my memory of life:

That little stuffed horse on the dash added spice to the life of Jim and his wife Sue.  They have a name for the horse and Jim often referred to it by name. He mentioned how much it meant to he and his wife Sue.   I listened, but that stuffed animal really did not trigger real meaning in my soul.  The real story to me is the “Flat Top Ridge” the horse is looking at – but that mountain top meant nothing to Jim I know – He did not hike there, ski there, hunt deer or grouse there, ride bikes there, park there with a young lady after a Friday-night high school football game – none of that – but for me that ridge is where I come from – it is the people I know.    So, with Jim Jr doing the driving, I took more street photos of the place I come from – and, always included Jim and Sue’s stuffed horse in the foreground.

Just a mountain creek (pronounced crick) that the horse is looking at – but special to me – Around age 14, I was baptized in that crick – baptized into the “Shade Creek Congregation” of the Church of the Brethren.

An old abandoned steal mill that Jim Jr’s and Sue’s horse is looking at. To me it is special,   It is the first job, off of  the farm, I ever had.  I was twenty and I got a summer intern job at US Steel, Inc. in Johnstown,  Pennsylvania doing “time and motion study” to help US Steel negotiate wage-rates with the Union.  I learned things on that job I carried to all of my 50 year’s of jobs that followed.   I think that experience of negotiation techniques was a major help to me 30 years later, when I worked for IBM  in Europe, negotiating business commitments between corporate leaders in each country. That is why street photos of those old buildings have a unique spice to me.

How ’bout that old  house – it means a lot to me.   I was born in one of the second floor rooms – almost 87 years ago – I do not think it means any thing to the horse.  Jim Jr saw the house but it could not have the same emotional spice of life that  that I have when I look at that house and barn.

The horse, Jim Jr, and most folks in my TGO community have no experience with the coal mining towns built in the early 1900’s. Each coal mining town had a Company stores, Company houses, script, miner’s caps with carbide lamps, mine – ponies, and much more.  They mean a lot to me.  When I was 6 years old, each day I was bused from my insular-isolated farm home to a two room school house in Company Town One (Named for the first mine shaft in Cairnbrook).    It was my first new world experience with the people I learned to know.  That experience of new worlds started me on a life’s journey full of new world experiences – many travels, new towns, new countries, new jobs , new people – spices of life.  This photo means a lot to me – I love it but I don’t want to go back – I want my Street Photos to be the spice I add to my day of memories.

This tree just happened to be felled the day before we arrived. It stood for nearly 100 years. I saw that tree ever day for my first 20 years. Many times I drove nails into it to attach and mend the fence that kept the cows out of our front lawn. They tell me each of those black marks/streaks are the resulting wounds made by those nails!  Standing by that stump brought spice to my day.  Jim Jr and the Horse just saw it as a large old tree stump.

Let me introduce you to Louie, named after Louisville, KY. It was purchased by Jim and Sue to support an Off Track Rescue Farm.   Horse rescue is one of Sue’s keen intrest’s in life.   So a photo of Louis has an emotional spice to Sue’s day. .  Jim keeps Louie on his dash board to demonstrate his love of Sue and to show his support for her horse hobby. So Louis brings an emotional spice to Jim’s day.    Now, Louise’s image brings some meaning to me  because he is in each of my street photos on that trip back to “the people I know”.   I really loved having Louie in each of my photos but the real deep spice he brings to life is between Jim and Sue.

As you swing through life, taste the spice that is uniquely yours, sprinkle a little on your life each day – and share it with others – and watch them smile as they taste your life through the “street photos” you show.

Feb 10, 2023 – Dave and 3 owls – or is it one owl 3 times – read on and check out what George says about my reflections.

Dave wrote: Hi Jim, A dark rainy morning here in Rome, NY. 32 degrees F. right now. It looks like spring but we know it is still a way off. Here are a few shots of a Barred Owl I took this morning.  For a dark day they are not to bad.  Dave

02 10 2023 Dave Cesari

02 10 2023 Dave Cesari

02 10 2023 Dave Cesari

02 10 2023 Jim Brubaker – Are these reflections of Sue, in my friends super car, real?   If you are not sure, just ask George Santos.

As you swing through life, let thoughts that make you laugh sneak into your mind every day.

January 30, 2023 – Now, for you, I have a Question – Am I a stand-up comic or a sit-down comic? – Read on:

I love to relate to my family in all that I do. For example, My Granddaughter is in college studying in the performing arts.  I heard that a summer job doing stand-up comic may be in her future. 

That potential job caught my attention.  You see, I think stand-up comic is just like the sit-down comic I do with PhotoShop.  So, I started researching stand-up comedy.   

Jerry Seinfeld says stand-up comics explore their life for material. He says, funny “comic material” is in everything and everybody they meet.   That is me – it is the way I think – every photograph I take with my camera contains material for a funny PhotoShop photograph. 

So you see, Maya and I  have the joy of laughing at everyday happenings in common  – I love it! Looking forward to one of Maya’s Stand-Up comedy sets if she gets the opportunity.

In New Jersey hot dogs by the boardwalk and playing in the waves at the beach are a way of life. But how are you going to sell hot dogs to the consumer dressed in a wet suit?

Take the hot dog dinner to the consumer, of course.

Lazy days in New Jersey are for reading and strolling the streets – but what are the dangers of reading – be it laying down with a book or be it reading your phone while strolling.

Are you watching where you are walking while on the phone – falls are often the number one killer of older people.

Now this tree has a shapely body but it needs a beautiful face to go with the body.

Heather to the rescue!

As you swing through life, be a stand-up or sit-down comic – laugh and help others laugh.


Jan 28, 2023 – Featuring Dave Cesari – and a photo thought of mine on the nature I have seen today.

Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. A large adult female Cooper’s Hawk. She has been hanging around our property for the past week. This is the first chance I had to get some decent pictures. Cooper’s Hawks are members of the accipiter family. They are primarily bird hunters. As  I said before I love to see and photograph any and all hawks.  Dave

01 28 2023 Dave Cesari

01 28 2023 Dave Cesari

01 28 2023 Dave Cesari

I have been, pretty much, kept in these last 2 days because I had a “Blue Light” procedure done on my face to kill (hopefully) all those pre-cancers there.  Tomorrow I should be OK to go out.

Out is where I always want to live – where I can be in nature as close to my front door as possible – Block Island in Rhode Island, Texas Hill Country, Pennsylvania Appalachia mountains, and Drummond Island, Michigan have all been that way.  Of course TGO is on the fringe of nature (That is why it is called THE GREAT OUTDOORS).

So, when I read of Dave’s Cooper Hawk it made me think of the birds we arrange for gatherings – places where we can go to see them gather to eat or nest.  I put on a cowboy hat to shield my face from the sun and rode my bike to Lake Judy to see the Purple Martins.  I did not have my camera with me but here is what I saw: “Pure nature”

When I arrived.

Shortly thereafter – not a Purple Martin in sight – smart birds on both sides of the dinner table.

While there, I photographed what I saw in the lake, Lilly Pads moving in the breeze. Researchers call my condition pareidolia, which is the false perception of seeing a non-existent face or pattern in everyday objects:

I see a fish jumping out of the water & look at the reflection – Oh my!

As you swing through life, enjoy the nature around you. You will feel good.

January 21, 2023 – Featuring Dave Cesari’s thoughts on NY winter & winter birds in Up-State NY & my attempt at videos in TGO.

DAVE WROTE:  Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. A Red-tailed Hawk that we found on the back fence behind the runway of the old air base here in Rome  NY.  Bird was quite cooperative and did not fly as we stopped the car opposite it. I believe this was a northern Canadian bird as they have migrated down to the upper US. Most local birds are so spooky that you can not even slow down before they fly off. As I have said before I especially love the raptors and love to photograph them. I was shooting with my big 500 mm so as the bird flew toward  me I  was not able to get it completely in the frame. A strange winter up here very mild. No snow at all here bare ground with green grass.  Dave

01 20 2023 Dave Cesari

01 20 2023 Dave Cesari

01 20 2023 Dave Cesari

01 20 2023 Dave Cesari

Bear with me – I am just starting to learn video.  This morning I was watching  a dozen birds perched on the ridge-line of my neighbors house.  What I enjoyed was the contest between two for the peak position.

I am learning to crop videos – this bird battle was pretty far away for my iphone to capture.  But with the cropping you can see that the bird on the peak is telling the other bird to “Get out of here, I own the peak.”:


As you swing through life, please enjoy the nature around you. Photograph it to show others what you saw & to help you see what others might have missed.

January 8, 2023 – Featuring some of Dave Cesari’s winter ducks – and one more photo from my streets of Winter Park.

DAVE WROTE:   Hi Jim, We took a ride up to Lake Ontario one day last week. Lake Ontario is about an hour and a half from Rome, NY. It is a great place to bird and photograph in the winter. It is a good place for wintering waterfowl and raptors. Here are a few pictures for the blog. A flying Red-tailed Hawk, Mute Swans, a Bufflehead and 2 Ruddy Duck. Mute Swans are not native to the US. They are established several places around theGreat Lakes and the Atlantic coat.  Dave

01 08 02023 Dave Cesari

01 08 02023 Dave Cesari

01 08 02023 Dave Cesari

01 08 02023 Dave Cesari

I loved seeing winter ducks when we lived up north – Places like Block Island, RI.  When I was watching Jeopardy last week, I knew they were Mute Swans and not Deaf Swans as I think one of the contestants said!

Since I love “street photography” (photographing what people or animals are doing in in their normal day-to-day activities), I see, in Dave’s photo of the swans, that one of the swans is listening to what the other one has to say about that duck swimming in front of them!

Like these two dogs in a Winter Park street, “What are they looking at?”:

What are those dogs looking at?

Oh, Now I see what they are looking at!

As you swing through life, have a great 2023 and every day  share with a street scene with a friend.



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