DAVE WROTE: Hi Jim, We are having a hot summer here in upstate NY. The Peregrine Falcons that nest in the city of Utica had another successful year. They fledged two young this season. Here are a few pictures. I’m especially pleased with the shot of one of the young falcons on the church steeple cross. The church is across the street from the bank building where the nest box is located on the 15th floor. Dave

07 27 2023 Dave Cesari

07 27 2023 Dave Cesari

07 27 2023 Dave Cesari

07 27 2023 Dave Cesari

07 27 2023 Dave Cesari
JIM WROTE : Since July 1, I have been traveling with Siris on the radio – singing, out-loud with Willy, Whalon, and me – such songs as “I’ve Been Everywhere”. Yep, I slept in Titusville & Orlando, the Washington auto-train, Morristown N.J., Manhattan NY, Brooklyn NY, Lancaster Pa., Hooversville Pa, Lima Ohio, and Drummond Island Mich. Plus, I have slept daily naps in numerous other states, McDonalds parking lots, and roadside rest areas along the way!
I Loved it all. I have seen things and experienced things I never did before in all of my 87 years! Here are a few snapshots to show you some of the fun I have had:

Waking to a view like this is not something I do every day! Manhattan just south of Central Park.

But then i went down and found a familiar friend.

And I learned to rent a NYC bike

I took it for an $18 ride.

saw new ways to have lunch

Even found a Grandson selling lunch from a “wagon”

sat to listen to Gospel music in Central Park

Found an interesting shot of the young and the old communicating.

Returned the bike to see a man attack a women- OOPS! I was mistaken.

They were enjoyning the street – practicing and/or performing.

I think the folks visiting the MET (Metropolitian Museum of Art) love the color red/

Inside I found lots of waiting lines.

We babysat an appartment in this row of appartments – it came with a dog to babysit too!

My daughter lives in a subburb with an acre of trees – She loves animals and holds and feeds this guy every day.

One morning we awoke to find the fox stuck in the fence around her property – She said that is what happens when you eat too many chipmonks – you won’t fit throuth the fence – we called the local police for help.

Within 10 minutes we had the moment of freedom. He ran off into the woods unhurt but a smarter fox.

AS YOU SWING THROUGH LIFE – Enjoy the trip – and come back to this blog – I have tons more photos and I am now shooting more on an Island in the northern Great Lakes just across from Canada .