Bob Hazlett, the leader of the Writers Group in the Great Outdoors is trying to help us writers use many different ways to describe colors in our writings.
A. Bob Wrote To members of the writing group: Here’s what our “Expressing Colors” Anthology looks like so far. Feel free to add items any time. New contributors wanted. Multiple contributions desired. They do not have to be tied to Jim’s Digital art, but maybe he’ll put some more up on his blog to insprire us.
B. I wrote: First, go to Dave Cesari’s page – See fall birds and color – You should not miss them – Maybe they will trigger a writing inspiration in your mind! – click here or TGO Photo Club Page in the left column
C. Things I found on the internet about color: Some of the most common molecules in nature are carotenoids, chlorophyll, and anthocyanin, which are known collectively as pigments due to their color-producing properties.
D. More from the internet: Color plays a vitally important role in the world in which we live. Color can sway thinking, change actions, and cause reactions. It can irritate or soothe your eyes, raise your blood pressure or suppress your appetite. Color theories create a logical structure for color. For example, if we have an assortment of fruits and vegetables, we can organize them by color.
E. Case Study: Heinz: Consider the phenomenal success Heinz EZ Squirt Blastin’ Green ketchup has had in the marketplace. More than 10 million bottles were sold in the first seven months following its introduction. The result: $23 million in sales attributable to Heinz green ketchup. All because of a simple color change.
F. My last finding on the internet: If a picture is worth a thousand words, a picture with natural colors is worth a million. Psychologists have documented that “living color” does more than sharpen your senses, it boosts your memory for scenes in the natural world.
G. My response to Bob’s request: Rather than just add to “Jims Digital Art”, I added ten photo/art images here that you writers my want to write a story about and use Bob’s referenced color descriptions to enhance your story:

COLOR – In nature

COLOR – My back porch in Florida

Color – In the sky

COLOR – Long ago – Look at Gloria adding color to the cold, wet, icy weather of Block Island’s Ferry Dock – Coming home for Thanksgiving.

COLOR- Accented white

COLOR – In nature

COLOR- Natural mystery – It is a mushroom

COLOR- My smily art for Halloween

COLOR – My bright spooky art of Halloween

COLOR – My crazy art for Halloween

As you swing through life, GO outside, smile at the colors in nature, remember the natural scene. THEN WRITE ABOUT IT AND SHARE YOUR WRITING WITH BOB’s TGO Writer’s Group.
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