Detective Dave wrote: Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. Two days ago I went out to fill my feeders and found most of the set up on the ground. This morning I saw the culprit. This nice spike horn buck. He was here for 15 minutes or so then just wandered off. Dave
10 28 2021 Dave Cesari
10 28 2021 Dave Cesari
10 28 2021 Dave Cesari
10 28 2021 Dave Cesari
10 28 2021 Dave Cesari
10 28 2021 Dave Cesari
I find a lot of wildlife perpetrators while I am out and about – On Drummond I have had a spike just like Daves reach into a bird seed bucket and get the lid caught on his head and another one stole a Fourth of July banner and got it caught on his spikes. We got both of them out of their problem after a dozen attempts.
My local beaver on Drummond almost caused a car crash when he left a small tree he cut down in the middle of the road right beyond a blind curve – and the list goes on – But, I love being out and about watching and interacting with nature and helping young people learn to enjoy nature too.
Some photos I took (and made) of my out and about this weeK:
Let me start by showing this photo – beautiful color
Gloria is doing outstanding in creating abstract art. She is getting invited into shows and, starting Nov 1, will be part of a “Six Women on-line Holiday Art Gallery”. (I will update this page with a link to their gallery on Monday). Anyway, when I am out-and-about, I see nature’s moisture and wind create abstract art in the sky each day. The art of the six women is better in one way – you can buy it – whereas you can not buy the sky, only look at it when you are out-and-about.
Some times nature is hard to find. I love the way this turtle is camouflaged. Sort of looks like abstract art.
Flying RC airplanes is, of course, an outdoor sport. This young teen is a pro at it. Here he is being interviewed by a company representative. It is great to be involved in an activity that gives young people this kind of experience in developing their skills not only in the sport but in the self confidence of being interviewed and filmed for the news and corporate promotions.
—– then in demonstrating that skill without crashing the model airplane in front of the camera!
While out and about in my community I see this sign every day – I wanted to show you how I think! “I never liked that Tenant anyway – Glad the community gave me a place to dispose of him”
—– and finally, an angel in the sky!
As you swing thru life I wish for you to be out-and-about. Stop and make every blink of your eye an image to enjoy.
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