I am a little late in my weekly updates to this blog ’cause I’ve been busy settling in and adjusting to the temperature change – I just returned a week and a half ago to Florida from the beautiful Island of Drummond. It was 36 degrees as I left for the airport. that morning. They had snow yesterday friends told me.
But, I love the outdoors in both states. I generally spend 2-3 hours every day on my bike and of course that provides many opportunities to see things happening. When I study a happening I subconsciously and automatically reach for my iPhone camera. Tonight I looked back on some of my recent photos and wondered what happening I saw that triggered the subconscious reaching for the camera. Below are a few photos and I will try to recall what triggered the reach for the iPhone camera.

I saw the two families of duck resting on the end of the dock. But I also noticed the ladder. Bet you did not see it – you can just see the tippy top of a 4 foot ladder at the end of the dock to the left of the ducks. That is how high the Great Lakes water level is this summer. That observation mad me reach for the iPhone camera.

Same dock but ducks have gone away. But I see a dog in the sky – You know I can not look at the clouds in the sky without seeing some image. Also, see the top of the ladder.

Of course I like this guy’s eye – but somehow as I stood there looking at him I studies his/her hand/toes – that is what triggered the reach for the camera.

I was sitting in my reading nook on the Island having a cup of coffee and this little guy was playing hide and seek behind the bush outside my window – out came the camera – and I did not even remember reaching for it.

Walking down the road I looked into this front lawn – Momma and two cubs – I just stood and stared – finally my hand automatically reached for the camera – by then Momma was gone – one baby followed – I got its tail end – the other one was still gathering up bird seed under the bird feeder – can you find them.

Same lawn a day later – I smiled and reached for iPhone

My friend trapping minnows by my dock each morning – I saw her splash of red and her following of white gulls – to the iPhone

My second dock – who is dumping sticks in the water by the dock and why?

Oh my – a closer look at the end of one stick – The culprit was a beaver – that beaver sure cuts a nice even pattern on the end of the sapling – to the iPhone camera I went.

Oops, another cloud – I see a rooster

I do not know why I reached for the iPhone camera. Maybe the white of the gulls and the white of the freight heading for the Soo Locks into Lake Superior.
I already have a collection of very interesting Florida happenings that made me reach for the iPhone – Maybe, next week I show you some of them.

As you swing through life, and have happenings – let that arm reach for the iPhone camera – then share the photo and your thoughts at the time – They do not have to earthing shaking thoughts – just daily stuff is fun for your friends to hear.
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