Dave Cesari, once again, gave us wonderful information on the birds he photographs. He just posted photographs of the Kinglets – a very small bird. To see them, click the Photo Page in the left column – then return to read my article below. By the way, I see I got a few comments – take a look at them and maybe add a comment – Thanks.
———- I decided to write a story on re-education after Bob, the leader of our writing group, announced at our last meeting:
“When I started writing as a hobby several years ago, I knew I had a lot to learn — and I wasn’t going back to school to do it. So I started following blogs and checking out websites. When I came across an article that taught me something, I captured it and added it to my elibrary . I’ve been doing that for over five years, so my elibrary is quite full. ” Bob went on to offer the content of his elibrary to us all.
……..Here is my story………
Of the 12 steps to happiness, close behind friendship, is having a job. A job gives a person a sense of worth, a sense of accomplishment, a pride in ones self. In short, obligation’s associated with a job give you fun! (Of course a job can be a retirement hobby like Bob’s writing.)
I have had many jobs. Between each job I needed to re-educate myself. I was lucky, my parents taught me to love learning. I am still learning as I work to re-educate myself to write this blogs. Oh my!
In the future (say 30 years from now) everyone will be forced to learn to take on new jobs. If the children being born today do not enjoy education, I fear our they will fall into a group of humans that are frustrated and unemployed.

Start early to enjoy learning new things
We older folks have an obligation to teach the young folks to embrace change. Teach them to be ready to re-train themselves when their job goes away. In the future, most jobs will go away every 10 years.
We will have drones delivering packages, robots delivering our food, and computers generating entertaining TV shows

You got mail!
– we will have self driving cars, computers that do a complete medical diagnostic on us. Why do we need doctors anyway? Computerized robots can do a better job of telling me what medication I need than any human doctor can do.
The echocardiogram I took today will produce all the vitals for the doctor to read. He will look at the vitals. Then he will use his experience and education to tell me this is what we should do!
In 30 years all of that doctor’s experience and education will be dumped into the computer – Poof – The doctor’s job is gone – He or she has been put out of work.
In the old days when the car replaced the buggy – folks in the buggy factory could easily be retrained to work in the automobile factory. But when the doctor is put out of work – what will he or she be re-trained to do? They must learn a whole new career – must love to re-educate themselves.

Today the human doctor performs the operation – the computer screen in the background is only a computer providing information.

Oh my – the doctor easily learned new skills – he is now controlling the scalpel with a computer.

Wow, the doctor is now in India – operating in 5 hospitals around the world in one day – still very similar skills

Soon our youth will build a computer that can operates in 5 hospitals simultaneously around the world and work 24 hours per day – maybe 100 operations per day. Now the doctor has a problem – he and she must re-train to move to their next career..
What about wars – if drones and robots fight the wars what will soldiers and pilots do – it will take more people to build, maintain, and fly the drones and robots – but re-training a soldier or pilot to program a drone’s computer will require re-education.

Pentagon now has some 7,000 aerial drones and the CIA has about 30 Predator and Reaper drones, which are operated by Air Force pilots sitting at computers in hidden U.S. military bases. These “pilots” fly about 1600 hours per year. On-location-in-plane pilots fly about 300 hours per year.
Before long the “pilots” job will be gone – the computers will be trained to fly the drones with greater accuracy. Much faster than the human, the computer will digest thousands of inputs from satellites and other drones, before firing weapons. It will accurately distinguish between a gathering at a church and a gathering at the enemy’s military headquarters. Teaching the computer will require a different skill than “piloting” the drone. Only those “pilots” that embrace re-education will be employable.

The stressful job of those drone “pilots” is already being replace with computers.
It is not like in my day – go to college, learn a career, and 40 years later retire from that job. In the future, study for a career and be employable for a few years.
Today’s youth must be taught to embrace change and enjoy re-educating themselves to teach computers how to replace them.
I read that the international game of competitive chess must be carefully monitored to assure that human competitors are not getting instructions from a computer.

Self taught computer – no human chess instructor needed. Only an Artificial Intelligence (AI) computer programmer was needed to teach the computer to teach itself.
It took only 4 hours for the computer to teach its self how to never lose to a human chess player. No one taught the computer – it taught itself!
This is not science fiction – we have the skill to build these computers and we have the skill to build self driving cars. The hard part is for our governments to sort out how to govern these new cars. That will take several years – but in the next go around the computer will define new laws for self driving cars in only four hours. Who needs congressmen and senators to work on it for years? The saving grace is, the computer will figure out what to do with all the unemployed congressmen and senators.

We always like to be entertained – but could a computer write music and produce images to watch? – of course!
Maybe being a writer of a blog like this is a safe job? – Oops, I just got an idea – I could program the computer to write my blog. Then what would I do?
Here is my message. Help your family embrace change. Set the stage for kids being born today – help them embrace change. Not only embrace it but be ready for it. Help them learn to love getting re-educated over and over again. That way, they will always have a job. They will get new challenges, win some, and have fun doing it – They will be happy.

Oh my – as you swing through life – know your job is to help the new borns love to learn and take on new careers every 10 years or so. Like Bob did, show them how you re-educate yourself, even in retirement.
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