DAVE WROTE: Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. Ruby-crowned Kinglets. We have 2 species of Kinglets in the US the Ruby-crowned and the Golden-crowned. They are very small and very active birds. They come thru my area in the spring and fall. Here are a few shots. Dave

10 08 2123 Dave Cesari

10 08 2123 Dave Cesari

10 08 2123 Dave Cesari

10 08 2123 Dave Cesari

10 08 2123 Dave Cesari
I stood by various tents at the art show – eavesdropping on potential customers. Without exception, they talked of how it would fit the room and the message they saw in the art. Hanging in their home it would tell of their hobbies, their family, their interest in wildlife, boating, etc – to them it was a way of saying something they wanted to say to folks entering their room.
That inspired me to do the unthinkable. Take a photo of a piece of art, use PhotoShop to change it to tell MY stories – send MY message thru art. I did not feel comfortable sneaking a photo of art hanging in a booth, so I ask Gloria if I could do the unthinkable to one of her’s. She said sure, “Here is one I have been practicing on”. THANK YOU GLORIA!” I made 5 images showing MY message. First, Gloria’s original:

Gloria’s Original she allowed me to use.

My first message is, “In our wonderful country of America, by disagreeing we vote our belief’s and that way we find the best best!”

Second – I not sure of the message – maybe it is saying – “As much as I try to avoid large cities, NYC is beautiful to see and great to try to experience how life is for those who enjoy living there”

Number 3, Being on a sail boat in the sun-set is a good way to join friends at the end of the day – it is like being on an Island where every one knows your name.

Four is showing that first year of retirement where Mrs. and Mr. enjoy their life together with a round of golf every day.

Number five was inspired by the story on CBS Sunday Morning show today (Oct 8) about the American Exchange Project (AEP). These two birds live different lives but it looks like they may be talking. AEP suggests by having graduated students, soon to be our leaders, spend a week in the world of other graduates world’s they will have less division because they will better know and understand each other. It made me a big believer in the goals of the AEP. I wanted to tell you that through this piece of art I created.

AS YOU SWING THROUGH LIFE – find a passion like the passion Dave demonstrates for our wildlife and our environment. Then tell YOUR story through photos and art.
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