I saw this as I was out and about in TGO – beautiful powderpuff hiding the bee – took a picture with my digital device to show you all. Then I took the same digital device and ask it what the tree was called – It is a Calliandra haematocephala Hassk.
Say it over and over – It will be on the test one of these days!

Calliandra haematocephala Hassk
Powderpuff tree
Dave wrote: Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. The last batch I sent was of Ruby-crowned Kinglets. I mentioned that we had another species of Kinglet the Golden-crowned. Well here is a shot of a Golden-crowned Kinglet that showed up in my yard. Also some Bluejays with colored leaves. Dave

10 18 2023 Dave Cesari

10 18 2023 Dave Cesari

10 18 2023 Dave Cesari

10 18 2023 Dave Cesari

AS YOU SWING THROUGH LIFE -Try to identify what you see
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