Dave wrote: Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. The last batch I sent was of Ruby-crowned Kinglets. I mentioned that we had another species of Kinglet the Golden-crowned. Well here is a shot of a Golden-crowned Kinglet that showed up in my yard. Also some Bluejays with colored leaves. Dave

10 18 2023 Dave Cesari

10 18 2023 Dave Cesari

10 18 2023 Dave Cesari

10 18 2023 Dave Cesari
I am studying Premier Pro – I tried to write a visual story. I wanted to tell you what bad things may happen if you hassle wildlife with your drone. Learning to make good story videos will take me months – maybe years!
I found I needed to get the video file down to 100 MB. YIKES. Had to cut a lot out and still try to tell the story! I will show you my first attempt:
I have tremendous respect for folks like our own Doug Jensen when he gets to display his videos on CBS’s Sunday morning show.

AS YOU SWING THROUGH LIFE -Study every day, try to learn new things, even if it takes you months or years to learn.
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