Determining the origin of human language is considered the “the hardest problem in science” However it is pretty well agreed that long before 30,000, years ago folks communicated.
My last publishing spoke of our uniqueness created by how we viewed the space around us and how we pass that view along to our children and their children.
But whoa, we are also unique because of the language and expressions passed down to us, and that we pass down to our children and their children. Language is a little like space, we are not taught to be influenced by the space around us and we are not taught how to speak a language – it is just there!
We see printed language (information) and we absorb it without really reading it – but only if it is in our own unique language.

A stick with four english messages – I did not really have to read them to know their meaning – I absorbed the message – the information.
But, we can learn another language enough to communicate with others when needed. But we generally have to “study” the meaning of a message written in a learned language – we can not just absorb the message as easy as one written in our own unique language or dialect.

I am not sure what Talleres de Alimentos means – I will have to study a little.

After looking around and studying – I determine it means “Food Workshop” – a little of study and I got it
Just like in NYC today, our clan would have had it’s own language 50,000 years age – even the Neanderthals’. The need to communicate at clan gatherings would have motivated communications across languages. Clan gatherings were required to exchange goods (commerce). In NYC it is a must.

Some times the environment helps the study – had they said “Gold” I would have known by absorption – but here I had to ponder ORO – is that ore – the watch photo in the door way, the racks of jewelry seen thru the door – I think I studied it out – they are selling or buying ore (gold).
50,000 years ago, at the Clan’s meetings, they had to learn to negotiate in some form of common language “I offer, five cows for you daughter ????” and the Old Man had to say in reply – “You fool, nothing less the 10 cows and one goat” New words were invented and old words were merged for some common understanding.

In comercial endeavors there is often universal words that are newly invented that cross languages – like “Medicare”
Enjoy your uniqueness of language, accent, and dialect, but respect and enjoy the study of expressions in the language of others. In NYC it is a must. If you can, go there and spend a day and just focus on the way folks get around the language barrier.
I know about language barriers. When I moved near to NYC, with my Pennsylvania Dutch background, I did not think I had a language barrier. But, friends often tried to understand what I said. Some of my Clan’s expressions were unique to me: “The pie is all” or “Redd up your room now” or Make wet today?” or “Quit rutsching” or “Outen the lights” or “Mox nix” or “Right like” or “Dippy ecks.” I think my friends just thought “Yah, well.”
The Pennsylvania Dutch Church of the Brethren in later years, after I left the farm, wrote and distributed a large book aimed a keeping it’s core values but “Going Mainstream.” There was a discussion of the impact that their “Clan’s”use of the Pa Dutch dialect had on their non-mainstream.

Quite a change for a Pa Dutch farm boy! I think this photo says a lot of what they tried to do. Since I am not there, I do not really know of their success in accomplishing Mainstream.
“Yah, well you’ins” mark my words, txt language is the new universal language anyway – WUT?
For example, I would write:
“I love the weather today. Are you enjoying it too? In my humble opinion you should be having a nice day. I bet you are chuckling for all to hear.”
But, a person with some fluency in TXT would write:
“LWT r u enjoying it 2 IMHO u should b having a HAND. bet u r CFATH”

END OF THIS STORY “HEY, NOW WHAT IS UP?” or “hey wutz^?”
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