Artist and Animal lovers are among the most interesting people in my life. But I am not talking of horses today – I talking of artists – That is why I love Asheville, NC. We are all defined by our personal trappings – our cars, our hair, the colors we choose, our pets, the coats we put on, and the decorations in our house ……would you hang this painting by Jonas Gerard on your wall – I just hung it in our entry hall – well only in my mind using just a few pixels.- But even that helps define me – Bright bold colors on walls pick me up – make me smile.

But it is not a painting to put on the wall at all – It is the artists van. Found on the streets of Asheville.

The drivers side – You know, I think artist’s are better defined than boring people – of which there are none in Asheville

In the streets of Asheville – across from the 5 and 10 cent store, I thought I would define myself with a colored hair look. I tried the silver one – I decided to save my money, do not buy the wig and do not go to the barber – Presto in two months, I will be defined in the streets of Florida – There are a lot of us silvered haired humans here in retirement cities of Florida..

Some artists in Asheville do not put on a coat of many colors – rather they want to be defined by a single color. – Life is simple for these type of artists in Asheville – No decisions -“Think I will wear my green shirt today” Bet she loves green pea soup – at lunch at vegetarian restaurant we tried what was advertised as green V8 juicer – This young artist most like filled her drinking vessel at the same vegetarian restaurant here in Asheville

A street photographer’s – oops I mean a street reader’s – dream, each street in Asheville is like the pages in book – the individuality of artists make each street tell it’s own unique story!
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