The story is about Vincent Willem van Gogh – Dutch painter born 1853, died 1890 – He did some very famous works of art. I try to copy his style some times – well, not that I try to copy his style ’cause I cannot paint – I mean, I try to get the computer to paint like van Gogh.
Anyway, life, in my community of 3000 or so old folks, is quiet compared to crazy van Gogh’s life. We do have a few loud old drunks, and a few with memory problems. You know, old guys that are not sure how to get home after they walk outside to get the mail.
Oh, some of us old folks have been know to walk into the church in the middle of a prayer session – you see the church is right next door to the bar. In senior communities, mistakes like that do happen you know. But, also, in senior communities, mistakes are tolerated and neighbors kindly help each other get through the correct door. That way, prayer continues and the beer on tap flows – all is well.
Now back to van Gogh. I do not know of anyone, in my retirement community of the Great Outdoor’s Resort, that cut off their ear – a few fingers have been lost in the wood working shop – but that is different. I am not aware of any prostitutes here either. But then, we seniors have learned over the years, that it is best not to talk about some things?
Maybe you do not know van Gogh’s story. Here is all I know. Either during a fight with his friend – French artist Paul Gauguin – or while in a state of depression after the fight (act of self-harm) , van Gogh had had no attached ear on one side of his head. But, he did have an ear on the ground. He picked it up and wrapped it in a towel. Then he walked to a nearby bordello and handed it to a prostitute who fainted when she saw what it was.
She reported this crazy man to the police, they went to his home, found him in a blood soaked bed nearly bleeding to death, took him to a hospital in an unconscious state, and when he awoke he ask to see his good friend Paul Gauguin. Paul refused to see him.
There are many very interesting versions of the historical myths of van Gogh and his missing ear. Every time I search the web, I find new interesting versions of what may have happened to van Gogh’s ear and of his relationship with his friend, enemy, lover or what ever he was. But, all the story versions are crazier than the life I see in the Great Outdoors Resort.
Here is one of his paintings plus my computer’s version of his artistic style:

By van Gogh

My computer’s version of demons in van Gogh’s mind – using his painting style in front of an old Dutch castle.

If it makes no sense to you – just flush it down the drain.

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