The space around my first years was what I thought was the typical home – with aunts and uncles and Grand Parents gather at our house for chicken, rabbit, and ham – We ate only what we raised or shot. Did not everyone?

My Mon dressed us kids up for our photograph – Honest that is me at maybe 5???, years old.

We men always went hunting on Thanksgiving after the morning barn chorus were done – I went to the internet for this photo – but it could have been me at maybe 15 years of age?

Then 50 years later, in Texas, near our play ranch we got together with friends for dinner and to show off our Belted Galloway herds in Texas size space. Didn’t everyone?

Then, we retired to Florida – near long time friends who did the same – we often chose to celebrate the season with more then one dinner – at least one at our home but them maybe one not at home – rather at at a local restaurant. Still some space but not like Texas. Now we are getting more normal – Right?
My norm of life may not have been the same as anyone else. That is my point – we each have a norm of life that is unique – that is what makes each of us so beautifully unique – we, and thus our children, and their children see the norm of life by the space around us, by what we present to them, by where we live, by our thoughts, by what we do, by how we dress, by how we shared life with others, and by how we celebrated Thanksgiving.
So, I was thinking – when I looked at my photographs from NYC – The people who live there see different space than we see – what a difference the norms of life are to them, their children, their children’s children. – Their view of space is unique as is ours.

I found a number of grocery shops like the in Queens – this is normal space there – not often seen in Titusville, Fl or Luckenbach, TX, or Drummond Island. But as you can see it shows family gathering food for the Thanksgiving season.

Look at the size of the chain on this bike – not a typical way to park your bike when you stop at the restaurant in the community called TGO (The Great outdoors) where we live florida – this view of space as you walk down the street in NYC has a subtle impact on the 5 year old – an impact of how they view space on this Thanksgiving day

I know the front doors are close together and the windows are barred – but these folks coordinated colors, painted nicely, and planted and maintained beautiful entrance gardens. A nice, but different view of space for these NYC folks, than our Texas Galloway’s out in the field

Just one more photo of limited space. But, look at how clean and shinny the automobiles are – I see pride that the owners have . They want their space to look good! and they are protecting it with a fold away “Bumper Bully”
Hope I have shown, in a positive way, what makes us beautifully unique – so when you meet someone new – remember their growing up view of space may be quite different than yours – thus, of course, they see things a little different – be tolerant and enjoy your uniqueness.

Looking up we all pretty much see the same space
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