Nancy – Thanks for organizing this trip for the TGO Photo Club. At the Sugar Mill Ruins we see, discuss what we photographed, we learn of the life of those before us. “Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.”
Christopher Columbus
I grabbed this moment of the center stage star – The star sharing an experience – holding a Horseshoe – Just as Jerzy Kosinsk has quoted:
“In my photographs ,it is apparent that there is no posing at the moment I released the shutter.”
I got lost in a focused photography moment. To photograph, one is encouraged to experience the moment the shutter is released – I did. As I set my camera for this shot, the camera eye made my mind think — How would a hungry dolphin see this?, — What would this fish think when they saw the dolphin? Unlike Vernon Howard who said “Truth is not a matter of personal viewpoint.” Sometimes I think truth IS truly a matter of personal viewpoint.
Next, the photographers ride 180 horses – to see a little closer what the world may look like to a dolphin raising to the surface for air.
I have no way of knowing what the dolphin saw – Of course they speak, they even have names for each member of the pod, they call to each other, they chatter – sort of dolphin tweet – but their language is as magic to me as the iPhone is magic to me! Around 1914 author Arthur C. Clarke said “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” in 2014 I say “The iPhone is indistinguishable from magic” One hundred years from now will the magic be that the “dolphin language” is automatically digitally translated into our minds – so that we communicate with the animals – and find a source of real intellegence”
To pilot a photo cruise boat, the Captain is focused – to to grab the perfect shot the photographers are focused – all lost in their own world of the moment at hand – not another worry in the world!!!
After the period of challenge and focus – appreciating the natural unposed moment – the shutter is released. Now it is time to share – and enjoy the comaraderie of sharing the photography experience.
And, we saw a light house. Come to our club meeting on Friday Friday 21, 2014.
3:00 pm HobbyLand
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