Here is where it started - where I grew up - Since this horse and cow barn, my family's life has been enriched with dogs, cats,emus, lamas, parakeets, rabbits, turtles, chinchillas, gerbils , ponies, guinea pigs, hamsters, and I am sure some I do not remember - oh now I recall a few more  - lizards, peacocks plus wild friends that adapted us - we enjoyed each day - but were never caged -some we fed some we dod not - like the current back yard alligator - like bumble bees, deer, armadillos, snakes raccoons , quail, fox, squirrels, roadrunners, ....

Home is where it all started.  Since this horse and cow barn of my growing up years, my own family’s lives (Son’s, daughters. Grand kids) have been enriched with dogs, cats, emus, lamas, parakeets, rabbits, turtles, chinchillas, gerbils , ponies, horses, guinea pigs, hamsters, and I am sure some I do not remember – oh, now I recall a few more – lizards, tadpoles, fish, snails, peacocks plus wild friends that adapted us – we enjoyed each day – but we never caged them – some we fed some we did not – like the current back yard alligator – like bumble bees (one named goofy who could never make a good landing), deer, armadillos, snakes raccoons , quail, fox, squirrels, roadrunners, and more…. My family of 15 has spent un-told  hours caring for, watching, and enjoying our animal friends.

Watching a Belted Galloway  Mom and Calf - Less the 15 minutes old - on my J bar G Ranch in Texas 15 or so years ago.

Watching a Belted Galloway Mom and Calf – Less then 15 minutes old – on my J bar G Ranch in Texas 15 or so years ago.


I will share an e-mail I got today - She is a better story writer then I am - Poor, dumb dogs. Good moral story - Do not be fearful kids - Just be careful, check the water for sharks before you jump!!! Hello, This am I thought about your animal theme on your blog.   You taught me - growing up - to enjoy and observe animals and our pets are a big part of our house hold and are  important and amusing family members.   I like to watch the interaction between the dogs and the cat.   The cat is clever and the dogs are....  well ... dogs.   But anyway, in the morning, I sit in my big chair that you sit in sometimes when visiting and I drink coffee with the dogs and the cat.  And, I watch them interact.   I thought of this funny story to describe the relationship between these two species and it went like this: Once upon a time, 2 dogs and a cat were stranded on a tiny life raft in the middle of the ocean and they were drifting waiting to come to a friendly - food filled shore. The dogs said we getting really hungry. The cat said me too, why don't u guys jump in the ocean and direct the fish toward the raft, then I will reach in with my sharp claws and pull the fish out for us to eat. The dogs said, but that water looks awefully deep and we are scared. The cat said, don't worry, you can swim and if you get tired, I will put my tail in the water and pull you back in the boat..... I promise The dogs said, well ok Then together they jumped into the water At that very moment, a giant shark came up and ate them in one bite!! The cat said, well finally, I have this raft to myself, she reached in to the water, pulled out a fish and sat back and ate in peace and quiet. The end. And, thats the story of the clever cat! Talk to you soon.

I will share an e-mail I got today – She is a better story writer then I am – Poor, dumb dogs. Good moral story – Do not be fearful kids – Just be careful, check the water for sharks before you jump!!!
Hello, This am I thought about your animal theme on your blog. You taught me – growing up – to enjoy and observe animals and our pets are a big part of our house hold and are important and amusing family members. I like to watch the interaction between the dogs and the cat. The cat is clever and the dogs are…. well … dogs. But anyway, in the morning, I sit in my big chair that you sit in sometimes when visiting and I drink coffee with the dogs and the cat. And, I watch them interact. I thought of this funny story to describe the relationship between these two species and it went like this:
Once upon a time, 2 dogs and a cat were stranded on a tiny life raft in the middle of the ocean and they were drifting waiting to come to a friendly – food filled shore.
The dogs said we getting really hungry.
The cat said me too, why don’t u guys jump in the ocean and direct the fish toward the raft, then I will reach in with my sharp claws and pull the fish out for us to eat.
The dogs said, but that water looks awefully deep and we are scared.
The cat said, don’t worry, you can swim and if you get tired, I will put my tail in the water and pull you back in the boat….. I promise
The dogs said, well ok
Then together they jumped into the water
At that very moment, a giant shark came up and ate them in one bite!!
The cat said, well finally, I have this raft to myself, she reached in to the water, pulled out a fish and sat back and ate in peace and quiet.
The end.
And, thats the story of the clever cat!
Talk to you soon.


This blog does not give you answers, it asks you to ponder the question and come up with a good answer: Ponder this - Does a rattlesnake loose in the living room end all discussion of animal rights? Lance Morrow

This blog does not give you answers, it asks you to ponder the question and come up with a good answer: Ponder this – Does a rattlesnake loose in the living room end all discussion of animal rights?
Lance Morrow