Watching animals eat is fun. Their eating habits tells us alot about them. See Perla, my Icelandic horse. The rest of the hered is not eating – they are finished eating. But Perla comes from Iceland where food is often scarce. That has trained her to eat anything – grass, weeds, dandylions, anything – She is not picky – she continues to eat even the dry brown hay. By the way, those boots protect her feet because she “Foundered”. Founder is a contition caused from eating too much rich grass. Perla ate too much early spring grass weeks before this photo was taken.

PERLA – Being a true Icelandic – she has the trait of a smooth gait (called a Gaited horse) but she also has the trait of eating each blade of growth in front of her – grass, weed, brown hay, what ever!

AS YOU SWING THROUGH LIFE -pause to study the eating habits of the animals in your life. They tell you things about those animals – how they protect food for their young, how they prepare the food to go down the gullet, how they find it, how the save it for scarce food times, ……
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