Do you want to know something about me? If not I will tell you anyway.
The thing I want to tell you is, I have many questions about life. For example, why does a rooster crow instead of howl like a penned up dog? Why does the rooster crow in the first place? Do we call the sound of a rooster “crow” because it looks like a crow? What is the relationship that a crow has to a “crow bar”? Do crows have a drinking problem so bad that they have their own bar? Why do we say it scared me so bad my hair stood on end? Do trees get scared so that their leaves stand up?
There is something else about me I want you to know. I want you to know I have a lot more questions about crows and do trees get scared?
The last thing I want to tell you today is, I have questions about why I think all of these questions. But here are some photos to ponder as you ask questions about my sanity.

Do those two customers on the left have a drinking problem?

I wonder what those cranes with buckets – You know, the ones used to fix transformers on light poles – do on week-ends – They are used to give trees hair cuts, I bet.

I isolated the tree to better study it.

Then I gave it a hair cut and a man sat on his rocking chair to study the tree.

I wonder why this is a frightening Halloween pose for a cat. Cat’s hair stand on end when a dog or snake threatens it – I have been told it is to make them look bigger.

The man in the chair fell asleep – had a bad dream – both he and the tree were frightened – their hair stood on end

What was the man frightened by.

Now I know, the tree zapped him – – Or, in a dream anything can happen – maybe the man zapped the tree. I wonder if you saw the white rooster in the cloud behind the man zapping him? I have a question about the formation of dreams – in our mind – but I will save that for another post.

Now I see why they are frightened – the tree is being zapped by a cloud monster.

The man awakens – all is well – no more is his hair standing on end – the man is small again and he and the tree are enjoying each other’s company.

Honest, my brain is normal, – BUT Why do I love a challenge? -This all got started when someone said “I bet you could photoshop a face on that hairy tree.”

No more questions – Oops maybe one or two – I wonder why kids love see-saws? Why is it called a see-saw? or is it sea-saw? or C-Sah?
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