‘Tis been a fun 12 hours. I slept as normal – waking up every couple of hours – My Apple watch says I slept 6 hours and 59 minutes. Even had some deep sleep and plenty of REM sleep – 1 hour and 30 minutes I think. It is crazy how life is so saturated with technical stuff these days.

On way to airport during last hurricane – but I was safe in NYC heading for Drummond. But, Look at all the technical stuff on UBER dash board. You would think we were on final landing at the airport!
But airplanes do not like to fly into modern airports when the wind is 60-90 miles per hour – Orlando has been shut down and cruise ships went out to sea I understand.

At the airport – maybe it was the time for prayers – maybe they were praying for safe flight – anyway I stood by hoping some would rub off on me (I changed all faces for their privacy – actually the face is from a statue in Spring Lake New Jersey)
I woke up at 3:00 am and tried to open the front door – it faces north and winds were, I think, around hurricane strength – straight out of the north. Well I got it open – almost got blown into the house – made me laugh – you know I love all kinds of weather – maybe that is why I have selected the ranch in Texas, the homes on the shores of Islands and Florida – Lots of fun weather in each of those places.
But you can not beat NYC for street photography:

They know how to park so much better then I every could.

Candid shots like this always get me to wondering what is on the mind of folks I love to study as I wonder Manhatten.

But here in Florida – Yesterday I counted 16 of these guys heading north along a fence – heading for higher ground just before the many of inches of rain hit the St. Johns river where they live.

This guy was hiding under some wall hangings I removed befor the high winds hit – I saw him head for cover under a flower pot – hope he is safe.

Optical illusions happen in hurricanes I have been told – anyway our back lake looked like it had ocean waves when I awoke this morning.

As you swing through life Be safe but get out and enjoy God’s weather. It is lots of fun.
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