I captured this photo from Temple’s web page because it showed the cow’s doin’ exactly as I described to you yesterday – How they would come and gather as i fixed a pasture gate!
At a craft show which Grandma participated in on Saturday, a lady was selling dolls that were flexible material and were the spitting images of a real baby – folks purchased them – For grand daughters – I hope – But it was the Grandma’s that carried them around as if they were real humans! They are lot less trouble then a baby or a pet. So all that prompted me to show you a few ways we make our pets into human babies – I call them smart dog photos! These dogs figured-out the HUMAN’S life is better then the DOG’S life.
So say them -” I figured out how to be human – Just look cute and helpless – See , they don’t make us walk, they carry us, and they take us to people gatherings where folks make sweet “barks” to us, and they give us treats to eat. We can even socialize while the HUMANS do their own thing. Ain’t this fun”
I love to go camping now thatI am almost HUMAN – Well even more then HUMAN – don’t see me doing the peddling.
This behavior alone could take years to fully understand.
Dog’s growl or wine or volly of barks is a form of dog communication – but mostly a dog communicates with it’s body – it’s eyes, it’s tail – the signature play pose with head and front feet low and hindquarters up in the air. WHATCH THE NEXT ANIMAL YOU SEE – IS IT COMMUNICATING WITHOUT WORDS? If it is a kitty, remember they have been domesticated a lot less time then the dog – their communications and attitude toward you is much more “wild” then a dog’s.. Bye
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