I see you
Look in the parking lot, the restaurant, the store, the Cop on the street, the doctors office, …… the drone in the sky! You are being watched.

Drones & cameras are everywhere – floating, attached to poles, in corners of store entries…
Guess what i did for 8 years at the University of Pittsburgh – I studied how to watch people. Why? So that we could see how long it took a person to perform a task, what skills they used, and observe the stress the task put them under.
Then we applied complex equations of statistics and looked to the future. That was, we looked to the future to see what it would be like if we changed some practices of American Industries. Changed them to improve quality, make more money, better train people, keep industry in our country, and …….. all sorts of honorable things.
So, now you see why we watched people – even used stop watches to time them – timed their Therbligs – Yea, look it up – In essence it is the smallest measurable movement in preformining a task – I won’t go into any more detail – It took me 8 years to get to the details of it.

Near my house in Florida – did this bull escape or was he sent here to spy on me
We also studied human nature and human psychology — ‘Cause when being watched the Hawthorne Effect sets in – we do better ’cause we are watched.
A friend of mine would say the opposite of the Hawthorn effect – so you see, being watched, can play both ends:
“I absolutley can’t stand it when someone’s watching me doing anything.
For example, I was in my science GCSE exam last year, and my seat was at the back of the hall (typical), so when the exam adubicators had finished their little walk up and down the hall they’d stand at the back, behind me. Even when I knew they weren’t watching me exclusively as such, I found it so hard to concentrate. I could hardly think about the questions while he was there – I just froze really.”
I took it straight from the dictionary. I love it when someone’s watching me – I love being the center of attention.
“The Hawthorne effect (also referred to as the observer effect[1]) is a type of reactivity in which individuals modify an aspect of their behavior in response to their awareness of being observed.[2][3] The original research at the Hawthorne Works in Cicero, Illinois, on lighting changes and work structure changes such as working hours and break times was originally interpreted by Elton Mayo and others to mean that paying attention to overall worker would improve productivity.
However, later interpretations such as that done by Landsberger suggested that the novelty of being research subjects and the increased attention from such could lead to temporary increases in workers’ productivity. This interpretation was dubbed “the Hawthorne effect”.
See, it is hard to watch people and get accurate readings. That is why it took me eight years to learn to watch people.
I wrote that to say only one thing about today – you are watched a lot – Smile!!!!

Parked behind a few trees – do not exceed 15MPH in our local streets

A broken branch sculpture in our Nature Center – are all of these eyes just decoration or are 2 of them……….watching you

As I teed off at hole number one – A spy hawk?

At the Green on hole one – .. A Spy Gator?

Title – “Just Me Alone With My Cows On The Range” – I loved making this Digital Oil Painting of myself on my Texas ranch. Maybe that Belted Galloway is really a camera?

Did you see saw anyone watching you today. Was it for your own good or ……?
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