Here we are – ready for our photo adventure – This Blog posting, though, focuses on the lady in blue, standing in the back of the boat.

Now up close with my iPhone camera. This is our Captain of the boat, Lynn. Lynn of course is the only one on the boat that is working – The 25 photographers are recreating. – Lynn is Focused (concentrating) on her announcement, making sure that we are relaxed, safe, and ready for a fun ride – That is part of her “work”.

Part of Lynn’s job is to find dolphins for us to photograph – There is a pod of dolphins about to surface just off the starboard bow of docked cruiser in front of us. Lynn in concentrating on positioning her boat so the we can get a good shot. That is her “work”.

Here we are. Photographers with their long heavy lens. With my iPhone, I catch Lynn concentrating on getting the boat positioned just right for the photographers with the heavy lens. That is her “work”.

Being a perfect host – with open water in front of us, I photograph Lynn talking with and entertaining customers like me. WOWing us. That is her “work”. She is relatively new to this Captain’s job. For ten years prior to this she says, “I swam to work every day.” WOW, what was your “work” then. I was a professional deep sea diver – working for a company doing treasure hunting – diving to ships that were sunk prior to and during the Civil War. She said that kind of “work” took real concentration.

Interesting careers – swim to work each day, finding treasure, telling us retired office workers stories of life on the high seas – That is her “work”
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