Dave wrote:  Hi Jim, This is what we had two days ago. It didn’t last and was gone by noon. Calling for more and heavier snow tonight and tomorrow. A Bluejay, a White-throated Sparrow and a Fox Sparrow at my  feeders. The feeders all  get active when it snows.  Dave

11 20 2021 Dave Cesari

11 20 2021 Dave Cesari

11 20 2021 Dave Cesari

11 20 2021 Dave Cesari

11 20 2021 Dave Cesari

11 20 2021 Dave Cesari

11 20 2021 Dave Cesari

Here are some iPhone photographs of my thoughts and Jim’s daily happening’s:

I was practicing left-hand pattern and I just turned off “base” and into “final”  to land my Radio Controlled model airplane.

Instructors took over ’cause they said my “final” was aimed for the tree

They were worried the tree might look like this if I were left on my own for a couple of flights!  But, I will get it right next time – You wait and see!

This photo started as a photo of my 92 year old brother and wife who farmed this homestead for 70 years. I searched my memory and added a few ghosts from the past.  The homestead was purchased in 1829 by our Great, Great, Great, Granddad and was farmed by Brubaker’s each generation since then – The ghost of the original house built in the 1830’s is floating in the sky.  The window in the upper left of the house is the room I was born in.  You can see the Brethren clothing in the other ghosts. The dress did change over time but it still is identifiable today.

A cemetery service in the Appalachia Mountains of Pennsylvania

Someone just ask me how many thousands of dollars they needed to spend to get into the joy of photography.  I said: “I spend zero dollars, ’cause I like the challenge of trying to do the kind of photography I enjoy with only my iphone (and it is 5 years old).”

Here are two kinds of photography I enjoy:  1. SKY CLOUDS:    2. PEOPLE WORKING – (I have identified 20-some other kinds of photography that I enjoy)

iPhone – CLOUDS



As you swing thru life, enjoy your cell phone – not only as a phone but as a camera – then challenge yourself to photographing  different kinds of photographs with it.