About the bird flock I posted yesterday, Dave Cesari e-mailed me this information last night:
“Jim, Those birds you posted are Tree Swallows. They gather like this every year in Florida. Sometimes these flocks hold several thousand birds. At night they roost in cattail marshes. We have seen them in the cattails in the Blue HeronĀ wetlands early in the morning. Dave”

Lets lighten up that sky and take a telescope look at it – Oh my, the storm brought us many birds – did they blow in from up north? I stood and watched them turn back and forth – I wonder which bird told them it was time to turn back and weave across the sky?

This one of those photos that tell a story … Your story. Is it a friendly encounter between the driver and the walkers?

The sign on thisĀ porto-potty made me laugh. Before you can use it “Call Ahead”

As you swing through life call ahead …….. Thanks!
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