Big equipment and a staff 6 six people
Hey – go see Dave Cesari’s new photos on http://TGO Photo Club’s Photos
Then Read On: You know, our minds are complex things. Thinking one thing makes us think of another, then that makes us think of another.
For example, seeing the big road equipment in front of our house made my mind go back to our Texas ranch.

My road looks good
The Texas ranch road was over 1/2 mile long and I cared for that road by myself with just a simple Allis Chalmers tractor. Here in Florida, the big equipment and 6 men were only doing 100 yards of road.
From there my mind jumped to thinking about all the animals I kept and trained on the Texas ranch. I was always asking them to do something that “made no sense” to them.
Next my mind jumped to my flight instructor – he was a smart man. He told me, I am going to do something that “makes no sense”. I am going to cut the engine on a perfectly good airplane. Legal or not, I’ve notified the airport of your airplane’s condition. . Your going to have to land with with no power. To prove that I learned by his doing something that made no sense. – I am still here. The instructor went on to say, next week I want you to practice using a glider. I know going up in a aircraft with no power “makes no sense”. But, we learn by doing things that “make no sense”.
Next my mind jumped to the Coronavirus restrictions. I was thinking, To keep from getting house crazy I ride my bike a lot. Then I return and empty-out boxes stored in my garage. Now what should I do? Maybe I should learn something new. But, what shall I learn? How about new language? I tried French, then German, and then decided I needed to learn how to write better in English before I tried one of the foreign languages.
So, next my mind jumped to this blog. Maybe I can learn by continuing to write the blog – something that makes no sense – but I love doing it. Maybe I will learn to write better in English and learn to create better fake photos.

This fake photo makes no sense. See, I started with the photo of the big road equipment and practiced with Photo Shop – Practice, practice – making no sense.

More no sense – I like showing you all the different animals I cared for at the J-Bar-G Ranch in Texas. This fake photo makes no sense. But, I got my reward by showing it to you. I did learn how to use PhotoShop better.
Regarding the view point of the animals: I trained each of them, with some success, in each case. However when I ask them to walk beside me, backup, get into the stock trailer, or in the case of the dogs, to sit, jump through hoops, weave through poles, and more. I know it made no sense to them. But by doing it over and over they learn that each time they did what I wanted, they got a reward. You know, I even put Christmas lights on the llamas and taught them to walk in the Fredericksburg Christmas Parade. – All that for a reward – not because it made sense to them.
Bottom line is, we animals and retired people learn for the reward – not because it makes sense.

As you swing thru life – Do something that makes no sense – Go for the reward. Enjoy the limitations imposed by the Coronavirus situation. Do something that gives you a personal reward.
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