Folks ask me: “What do you do up on that remote island all day”
Well, I say: “I work a lot – but then I play more” – Actually, I play outdoors so much that I hardly have time to work or to take photos. I play outdoor ’cause every day is like going on a picnic.
Jack Nicklaus said: “People don’t want to go to the dump and have a picnic, they want to go out to a beautiful place and enjoy their day.”
A beautiful Place: I have been busy cleaning up the winter’s left overs. Raking needles and pine cones, clearing broken branches, turning over garden soil, feeding the plants and garden soil horse manure, putting out and filling bird feeders, and looking at the environment that the Good Lord has given us. It is a beautiful place and I enjoy each day. – enjoy things I see.
Summer is coming: It has been cool here – almost never above 60, this morning at 10:00 it is still in the high 30’s. But in the house it is warm so I thought I would post, for you, a few environment photos I enjoy here on the Island.
What I see: Here are a few things I see asI have my “Picnic’s” of breakfast, lunch, happy hour, and dinner on the Island.

My front yard one evening – sunset, boat dock, three deer watching me.

Bear tracks? – I think?

Big foot, Sasquatch, or a bear that slipped and almost fell in the mud – I think.

Now the locals have a mushroom camp in the center of the Island where they take camping trailers, tents, old cars, beer, etc – looking for morels – but I found these two morels in my neighbors my front lawn.

Up close – these two are worth 2 six packs of beer and a lie: “Nope, did not see a one, must not be any mushrooms this year” That lie is told so no one will follow you to discover where you are finding the little morsels!

My friend Linda, emptying her minnow traps for her Perch fishing bait. See loon in the bay – just beyond bicycle handle bars. Since they mate for life – or at least for one nest’s worth of time – I think the mate is sitting on a nest nearby – I have 28 days or so to locate it – just for fun and a photo if I can.

No body has rhubarb like me – mine are 18 inches high already – everyone else’s are in the range of 6 inches tall with no real leafing yet – Could it be my manure – my horses manure?

There is the rhubarb maker!!!

Another manure maker – of course it means more work for me washing it off boat docks, lawn chairs, patios – Linda feeds the gulls the Goby’s she catches in her trap. Goby’s are an invasive fish – not good to eat – and they eat native fishes food supply – they are transported around the world when sucked into and ejected from ballast tanks of freighters plying the Great Lakes.

On one of Gloria’s photo shoots on the Island a few years ago she was struck by the beauty of Prairie Fire wildflowers – she sent me a copy of the painting she is working on “The Environment of Drummond Picnics” I call it!!! When it is complete you may be able to purchase a copy and have a picnic environment on your dining room wall all year long.

The does around here are pretty round – soon we will be seeing this scene
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