Dave Wrote: Hi Jim, A lovely morning here in upstate NY. Finally got some pictures of warblers. As I have told you in the past the warblers are my favorite group of birds. A male Blue-winged Warbler and a male Restart. Dave
05 16 2021 Dave Cesari
05 16 2021 Dave Cesari
05 16 2021 Dave Cesari
05 16 2021 Dave Cesari
05 16 2021 Dave Cesari
05 16 2021 Dave Cesari
Jim Wrote, “Now My Story”: In my camera I have close to 15,000 photographs – no no, I mean they are 15,000 snapshots. It’s difficult to define what makes an image a snapshot or a photograph. Although “snap” has a negative connotation, I don’t think a “snap” is defined by its quality.
Here is what I think: Planning an image based on subject, quality of equipment, lighting, and camera angle is not a snapshot, it is a photograph. The photographer had intent behind it and made plans to create what they desired in the image.
On the other hand, a snapshot occurs by happenstance and was not preconceived by the photographer. Now days, a person takes a phone camera “just in case” something pops up to capture the moment. The snap-shot did not allow time for planning the shot. The equipment was small enough to carry in ones hip-pocket. The subject most likely just popped into the snap-shooter’s life – it was not pre-planned.
I understand the reason the photographer creates a beautiful photograph. But, now the question is: “Why take a snapshot?”
There are four reasons why I take my iPhone with me at all times. Remember, I am an experienced snapshot taker – nearly 15,000 snapshots in my iPhone camera makes me experienced. So, here are my four reasons:
1. To make me happier. I’ve noticed that happy families tend to display large numbers of unplanned photographs – called snapshots. Mom changing her first-born’s diaper, Grandpa saying grace, Jimmy falling off his first two-wheeler, Heather cuddling her new doll, the snake crawling across the patio at the family bar-b-que, and more.
2. To control my memories. Snapshots tilt your memories toward the good experiences you’ve had simply because you’re more likely to snap times of joy. Having snapshots of the good times keeps times of joy vivid in my mind.
3.To share. When you see something beautiful, it’s natural to feel a desire to want to share it with others. It is a way to build friendships for now and your senior years.
4. To hold onto. I like to remind myself how easy it is to forget. I’m always trying to figure out ways to hold on to memories now that I am lucky enough to be getting quite old! Every now and then, I sit for an hour browsing through my snapshots and really feeling great after that session. Much better than after any TV show!
IN CONCLUSION: You can even categorize your snapshots. Three major categories are: 1) Family gatherings, 2) being home and out and about on your bike, 3) traveling on the road.
Here are a few of mine: “Being home and out and about on my bike”:
Each morning, with coffee, I sit in our library with iPhone and read the headlines and of course snap what I see out the window – even if it is through the curtains.
Then to breakfast table window
Oh my – lunch visitors – a very small fawn studying the bird on the shore
Then on Nature Trail near the St Johns River and swamp area
What is that on old stump by the Nature Trail? – Is it the result of a wild golf-ball shot?
Oh – someone left a painted rock
This is a true – unaltered- sky shot WOW
Heading for the pond – I made sure he/she had not a disagreement with an automobile before I went on the rest of my bike ride
How old do you think this one is? – I warned the neighbor to be careful of his little dog – he thanked me – Oh – How old? – I say 2-3 years.
Do you know about snakes climbings trees – I saw one fall out of the tree a couples years back – think a bird chased it away from its nest!
This bird claims, as its own, this steeple on the church – see it most every night
On my bike rides I see shots like this most every day. Somehow I have come to love Gators – they are a beautiful examples of nature. Look at this guy.
All these friends of mine are gathered to place thousands of fish in dozens of ponds – Just to re-stock them and keep a correct balance of the proper kind of fish to help keep our ponds healthy
Is this an original wild flower or a domestic flower turned wild? – Does not matter – it is beautiful
Oh – My children sent me this to wear on my bike rides – This is a Fathers day present that I use every day
The neighbor had a good laugh on me – This plastic snake of his was laying in the road in front of his house – I got off my bike and tried to shoo it off the road so that it would not get run over – After I figured out it was fake – I insisted on this photo
Me pre-operation for Cataract Surgery – Now fake plastic snakes will not fool me.
And I know this not a real bird
And this not a real dog or real deer
But I still like to make photos that are not real
Two weeks ago – pre-eye operation – the previous photo looked like this
I do not see this guy any more when I look in the mirror – I love my new eyes
Now, my eyes enjoy this beauty that God created.
Just be glad I did not make you sit through looking at 15,000 snap-shots
As you swing thru life – share with me lots of snap-shots – and of course I want each of you to share your photographs. Encourage others to become great photographers. Scroll back up and re-look at Dave’s warblers.
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