Dave Wrote: Hi Jim, Here are some pictures of American Woodcock for the blog. Woodcock are a somewhat odd member of the shorebird family. They inhabit and nest in deciduous woods. In the spring the males find an open clearing near where they live. At dusk they display on the ground making a peent call. They fly up towering quite high. They descend to earth making a strange twittering sound with the end primary feathers of their wings. They are also called Timber doodles or Sky Dancers. A little luck involved to get the bird just as it was taking flight. Dave

05 11 2022 Dave Cesari

05 11 2022 Dave Cesari

05 11 2022 Dave Cesari

05 11 2022 Dave Cesari

05 11 2022 Dave Cesari
MY QUOTE OF THE DAY – “Judge a person by their curiosity rather than their answers.”
You all know I spend a lot of time outdoors. I see many very interesting things but on this particular bike ride I saw animals and their curiosity:

This little guy came up to within a foot of my handlebar and stared and sniffed. Mom just stood at the side of the road and watched. I think, from living in TGO, she knew I was no danger to her fawn – I assumed I was the first human – at least on a bike – that her little fawn ever saw.

I heard someone say “What is that ugly thing?” I do not know if it was the bird that said that or the turtle.” But, the bird sure was curiously checking out the turtle .

If I was a bird, I would be curious too.

Now, it is time for you and me to be curious – What is this? – Yes, it is a real thing – I did not PhotoShop it.

As you swing through life try to find something positive to be curious about every day! – Then you may have all the answers and you can be judged by your answers. – Oh my, that was a deep quote I started with and I am curious about it: “Judge a person by their curiosity rather than their answers?”
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