Almost every day of my life I think about, watch, hope to watch, and/or touch animals. Do you?
But what I really thought about was how animals have adapted to me over the last 80 years. What do I mean “adapted”
The first book of my own (besides the Bible) was “50 Years A Hunter and Trapper” – It was stories told by an old outdoor person who lived in the Pennsylvania woods north of where I grew up. He adapted to the animal’s way of life.
In those days you almost had to live out in the woods – adapt to the animals way of life – to see deer, coyotes, mink, raccoons, etc. The animals I saw every day were domesticated – forced or trained to adapt to our way of life – barn cats cows, dogs, pigs, horses, etc. The barn cats were the only ones that were elusive – I would sneak around trying to find them – just to see if the were hiding a batch of kittens under a pig pen or hay mow.
The only time I had off (always had farm chores to do) was Sunday afternoon – off I would go walking (Hunting) in the woods – trying to adapt like the old man who wrote “50 Years a hunter and Trapper” – I was trying to adapt to the animals way for just a few hours.
Many Sundays I saw very few animals – only saw frogs, maybe a couple of grey squirrels, or a groundhog. I always looked for flying squirrels and Fox squirrels. Never saw an eagle, bobcat, or bear. Had to go deeper into the woods then I had time to go into. I did see a weasel once chasing a rabbit.
But now I live in what I call a city of maybe 3,000 people and I see animals every day – so I will to do some research on how animals have adapted to us. I do not have to be a backwoods person to enjoy “wild” animals every day.
This happened two nights ago – around 9:30pm. That is what prompted my thinking on this topic:
I was thinking – if I saw a BobCat 65 years ago on one of my hunts into the woods -That would have been a double WOW – now I see one every couple of months – right in the city which I live in.
I will study more on animals adapting to us – I will tell you of my findings.
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