Almost every day of my life I think about, watch, hope to watch, and/or touch animals. Do you?
But what I really thought about was how animals have adapted to me over the last 80 years. What do I mean “adapted”
The first book of my own (besides the Bible) was “50 Years A Hunter and Trapper” – It was stories told by an old outdoor person who lived in the Pennsylvania woods north of where I grew up. He adapted to the animal’s way of life.
In those days you almost had to live out in the woods – adapt to the animals way of life – to see deer, coyotes, mink, raccoons, etc. The animals I saw every day were domesticated – forced or trained to adapt to our way of life – barn cats cows, dogs, pigs, horses, etc. The barn cats were the only ones that were elusive – I would sneak around trying to find them – just to see if the were hiding a batch of kittens under a pig pen or hay mow.
The only time I had off (always had farm chores to do) was Sunday afternoon – off I would go walking (Hunting) in the woods – trying to adapt like the old man who wrote “50 Years a hunter and Trapper” – I was trying to adapt to the animals way for just a few hours.
Many Sundays I saw very few animals – only saw frogs, maybe a couple of grey squirrels, or a groundhog. I always looked for flying squirrels and Fox squirrels. Never saw an eagle, bobcat, or bear. Had to go deeper into the woods then I had time to go into. I did see a weasel once chasing a rabbit.

This Bobcat is working to adapt – is chasing birds on a utility bole : dangerous but a sample of adaption in order to eat.
But now I live in what I call a city of maybe 3,000 people and I see animals every day – so I will to do some research on how animals have adapted to us. I do not have to be a backwoods person to enjoy “wild” animals every day.
This happened two nights ago – around 9:30pm. That is what prompted my thinking on this topic:

This poor bob cat had an argument with an automobile within an easy walk of my house. Appeared to be knocked out but show no signs of bleeding or broken bones.

The story had a happy ending – a neighbor and I watched it – protected it from being hit again – within 15 minutes it lifted it’s head, staggered off the road and laid down – we attempted to put a sheet over it to have a vet check it – but no need to – Kitty jumped up, shook itself, and ran off into the woods – appeared to be in great health.
I was thinking – if I saw a BobCat 65 years ago on one of my hunts into the woods -That would have been a double WOW – now I see one every couple of months – right in the city which I live in.
I will study more on animals adapting to us – I will tell you of my findings.

Deer are one of the most adaptable – I think – Mama and babies are around everywhere – Love it! Don’t you?
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