Two generations of Daughters – The teen taller then Mom

How do you know a dog owner lives at this home?

What do you do when the dog goes around the tree – Throw the leash handle to the right of the tree and call the dog to you with a dog cookie – of course!

The sign says quality deer management area – but I see an ant eater – do you?

I looked and saw a bird? in the wires – Do you – It is fun to look for funny things as you walk – Try it!

Now we left the road – onto the trail!

I saw a flock of blue birds. by the stream.

I saw a Heron sleeping by the stream.

I saw 3 Mallard Ducks flying thru the woods, heading for the stream.

Then i saw them floating on the stream.

Then I saw tracks – looks like a horse drawn sleigh – – one horse “In a one horse open sleigh” What do you think?

I c a horse – and of course had a conversation with it – where is the sleigh? I ask.

Hiding under the tarp the horse told me – “I found it!”

This is Tom strutting his body for the young ladies. In Florida of course

Say I, find, watch, and enjoy the animals of the woods! I did pass folks on the trail who never saw the animals I photographed – I think they missed a nice part of life!
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