When I sat down to write you a page this morning, I needed to make it quick. Why? ’cause I spent all morning making a painting.
We have all seen abstract paintings, but if asked to paint an abstract, we brand new digital artists, have no idea how to begin.
A simple change in mindset is needed to start an abstract. A move away from the need to copy and toward the understanding that the artist is in charge of what he thinks he sees.
Does his mind see a pattern that is fun to look at, or is it a pattern that clearly reveals a hidden images, or is it surreal where some images are quite clear but can’t be real – except in the artists mind of course.
Here is one I made this morning:
It is most often a beautiful morning in our Florida home in the winter and in our summer home on the northern Island. So as I sat down to think abstract here is what happened – on my iPad of course. My mind combined the the north and south into this image that is fun to look at but can not be real except in my mind.
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