I know I am in the danger age for coronavirus – but so far it has not impacted me as much as some I know. My family in NY , NJ and CT sure has had major daily pattern changes.
Here in TGO all meeting, restaurants, churches, and more has been shut down – actually everything has been shut down. Some how my writing and photo groups have given me challenges via the internet – no meetings needed – just digital socializing.
Then, Heather sent me a photo of late winter and suggested I show that it is not discouraging to look at a late dusting of snow but show a hint that spring is really there. Again I was encouraged to take on a remote digital socializing challenge.
So here goes:

Bob sent this photo to photo club members and suggested we spend some time doing post processing on it.

This is the result of me playing around while doing social distancing – sitting at my computer

Heather sent me photo of her daffodils garden with a late dusting of snow. My friend Bob suggested we think of a song and the create a photo to illustrate the song or a verse in the song. I did, I thought of Frank Sinatra and “It Might As Well Be Spring” – See my photo rendition below.

“It Might As Well Be Spring” – Love these digital social times – Heather, Bob, and others always get me to thinkin’. Heather ask me to make a photo to show that in her dreams she saw a warm spring around the corner – I felt sure Caroline was dreaming of a beach in the Carolines or the Crib – this photo is what I saw in my mind. That is my digital social thinking for this evening.

As you swing thru life – Remember in a time of difficulty and uncertainty – contact with friends and family is so valuable – even if the contact is via some form of digital socializing
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