I have again accepted a leadership position in the TGO Photo Club, after a 2 year rest. But, it is so much fun to help the wonderful members of that organization practice their sport – photography.
Technically we are in such a wonderful time. Look at Donald Wyllie’s photos of the local airshow. (Click on the TGO Photo Club link in the left hand column). His skill and the equipment he uses show us views of the planes in action that our naked eyes and our floating minds could not see. I love the action he captured.

Photo by Donald Wyllie
Not quite like Donalds equipment he used to get the great shots of the planes in action, but, today we can do so much with the cell phone camera.
One of my thrust in the Photo Club will be to get everyone who has a cell phone to become photographers – to share their daily experiences and inspirations with their friends – pull that cell phone out of your pocket and snap life – share your thoughts and emotions with friends. In our mobile lives we need to stay connected somehow and the cell phone helps us do that – You know it does because you see that device next to the ears of people everywhere – But, do not forget the camera adds an other dimension to the connectivity that talking can not brings to our lives – That aspect is “showing and seeing”.
I have 10,603 cell phone photos stored on my icloud – somewhere up in the sky. I enjoy the outdoors a lot. Did you realize that half of what you see when you are outdoors is sky. I scanned a few of my recent cellphone photos – made me smile and I wanted to share them with someone – I choose you, my blog readers, to see a few of the clouds my phone stored in the iCloud – just a snap of my life as I look to the sky each day – enjoy:

In case you wonder what this is, it is the sky reflected in the glass top table in our screened-in porch where we have lunch each day.

Down the street walking – beautiful sky – and see one half of what I see is sky.

Wind shaped contrail

What do you call a rainbow cloud that is not bowed?

I can not look at a cloud without seeing an image – often I see fish eating fish

Maybe the sky is more than 50% of what I see when outdoors

Or when biking with Heather

Or when watching Heather watch the Alligator swim by our back door

of course you can use the Cellphone to capture other images – this interesting shaped bird poop on the wall

or to remember what kind of egg whites I am to purchase at the grocery store

or to remember where I parked the car

Or to marvel at this big rattle snake too chicken to cross the sky reflected in the little ditch – he turned around and headed back toward me

Oh my, as you swing through life go outdoors and study the top half of your view.
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