The above 10 foot gator was in the middle of the lake thrashing in the water.
New topic: A friend sent me an e-mail of homographs. He wanted to show me how crazy the English language is. Boy, do I know that. Man, my computer is slow this morning. (Boy and Man?????)
I spent at least five years working with translators in European Business Headquarters helping them work with the English speaking writers of technical documents. The writers had to be careful what they wrote so it could be translated.
For example: General Motors had on their advertisements these words “Body by Fisher” – Some non-US folks assumed that meant “Cadaver found by the fisherman.”
Here are some more difficult phrases for the translators.
I did not *object* to the *object*.
They were too *close* to the door to *close* it.
The buck *does* funny things when the *does* are present.
Upon seeing the *tear* in the painting I shed a *tear*.
Let’s face it – English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant, nor ham in hamburger and neither apple nor pine in a pineapple.
Each day I see my kitchen door and my bathroom door. I live in a Florida community called The Great Outdoors. I have not yet found the door that is out and great?
A human nature fact is most people love the great outdoors too. Yesterday I was obliged to spend 2 1/2 hours in a wonderful and large furniture store. I spent the 2 1/2 half hours “wandering” around “wondering” about the 80 animals I saw that people could buy and set on their floors, coffee tables, sidebars, or wall shelves.
All of that was to tell you I love (and photograph) the great outdoors even if I can not find the door. Here are a few things I did find within the recent days.
This 10 foot gator was in the middle of the lake thrashing in the water – Like he ate something he should not have eaten – then he swam to shore and did strange moves. I think that is the way they trap them when they get too large or aggressive for human association.
This non-poisionous water snake was about to enter my neighbor’s garage when I encouraged him to head for the lake behind the house!
On the nature trail, this beautiful and very poisonous Pigmy Rattler Snake was easy to see and avoid.
But when he got off into the pine needles by the side of the trail, he is well hidden!
Of the 80 animals I saw in the furniture store – You could buy your very own Gator – and he was not too aggressive! See, a safe way to be an outdoors person!
Maybe you want to go to another continent or snorkel without getting wet? Easy ways to be an outdoors person
Hope you really enjoy the outdoor around you and enjoy the animals however you choose to see them.
By for now!
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