Go see Dave’s Eagles on the TGO Photo Club page – Remarkable.
Then read on below.
Forget the last quarter – Think about the whole game – I was reading a book titled “Art Before Breakfast.” by Danny Gregory. Here is some of my thoughts from the book:
Creativity isn’t a luxury. It’s the essence of life. It’s what distinguishes us from the bugs. And it’s why our ancestors survived while other less adaptive critters perished. They responded to change by being creative in some way, by inventing a new answer.
And that’s what you need to do to make the most of your life, every day of it. To be inventive, open, flexible. To have perspective on what matters to you. To deal with change without being overwhelmed. And that’s what creativity offers you.
Art is a way of helping make creativity become a habit that fits ALL ASPECTS OF YOUR LIFE. It doesn’t mean you have to be a full-time artist. It doesn’t mean you need lots of training or supplies. Or a lot of time.
All you need to do is play a little. Do it while waiting for a commercial to end, or waiting in a dentists waiting-room – take out a pen and paper and sketch.
Or, if you are retired like me – create just for fun. Take an hour in the morning with your I pad, a photo or so from you iPhone and play with PhotoShop. Here are several days worth of my playing around:
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