Our TGO Photo Club has had a great year. – scroll down to read a little about it after clicking to the Photo Club Page to see some new Owl postings by Dave Cesari.
Some thoughts about the TGO PHOTO CLUB:
A. Susan Hubbard, Club’s corresponding sectary wrote:
“Huge thanks to Jim Dick and his amazing crew of many volunteers who hung 52 new photographs by club members in the Manor Porch Gallery yesterday!
Don’t Forget: Our reception to celebrate the opening of the new 2020 Exhibit will be this coming Saturday, March 7, 12 Noon to 2:00 PM in the Gallery overlooking the pool deck.
All are welcome. Refreshments will be served. Be sure to invite your friends and neighbors.”
B. Our new leader of the Club, David Spahn, will meet with committee leaders this week to plan for the next year.
C. A successful club has these features and the TGO Photo Club has them all plus more:
- inclusive Environment
2, Opportunity to service the community
3. Offers help to members to accomplish mastery
4. A safe environment, non critical and inviting of newbies
5. Engagement in Learning – Learn by doing and sharing
6. Be an active participant in the future – embrace new technology
7. Many active members have fun together
8. Offer support to member’s passion
D. It even allows me to share my passion for creating surreal photos. They hung four of my prints in the Manor Porch Gallery:

The Club serves the community by providing photographers for the Canadian event each year – this was one photo I had fun creating from a photo they took of me at the event.

This duck photo I took out by a pond in Titusville was just the right shape for this shelf – HaHa

One of my passions is to study photo composition – any time I make a surreal photo, I practice “rules” of composition – can you see some rules I applied?

This is a couple of my varied family times wrapped into one surreal photo: With my Daughter-in-law with her Mini Cooper at a Mackinaw Bridge Mini Rally, A typical evening sitting at a Drummond Island camp fire, and Being with Gloria at the opening of her involvement with a new art gallery on Merritt Island, Florida (The buildings in the background are the Gallery)

As you swing thru life – ponder and record with your camera, the fun times you have with family and friends – share and say thanks.
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